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Is it necessary to learn HTML and css for Django?

Is it necessary to learn HTML and css for Django?

No it is not necessary to know html/css, if you are learning Django/Flask. But it depends on which kind of team you are working. If have a large number of people working in your team, you can give the work related to html/css to a specific person specialized in html/css.

Do I need to learn HTML and css before Flask?

No it is not necessary to know html/css, if you are learning Django/Flask. HTML/CSS is the basic language on building web page. Every web you have opened is built with HTML/CSS. If you do not know HTML/CSS, then, you cannot build web app.

Do I need Javascript if I know Django?

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But when you ask about Django it is a web development framework, So you should learn html, css and javascript is very essential. Even as a software developer, game developer, and machine learning engineer you might come across the situation to learn html, css and javascript.

Should I use Flask or Javascript?

“Lightweight”, “Python” and “Minimal” are the key factors why developers consider Flask; whereas “Can be used on frontend/backend”, “It’s everywhere” and “Lots of great frameworks” are the primary reasons why JavaScript is favored.

Is Django also front end?

Django is a collection of Python libs allowing you to quickly and efficiently create a quality Web application, and is suitable for both frontend and backend.

Should I use frontend framework with Django?

If you want to separate your project into a Django backend, and a frontend SPA, which only consumes data via a REST API, you’d be very well advised to use a frontend framework. When you’re thinking about decoupling, you should be sure that it’s well motivated.

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Whats easier Django or flask?

In sum, usually, Flask is easier to learn than Django. Ideally, in the long run, it might be more beneficial to learn both frameworks to make the most out of their advantages and easily overcome their gaps.

How can I use HTML/CSS with Python?

You can use HTML/CSS with python by building a webapp with a python backend. There are lots of framework avaiable that allow you to do that, such as Django, Pyramid and Flask. I personally like to use Flask for small projects, since it’s faster to prototype than django and also easy to learn/work with.

Is it bad to learn Django and Python before learning web development?

To know about anything related to web development, you need to know HTML and CSS. Django is a framework, so you learn frameworks after learning the basics. If you directly learn Django and python before knowing about web dev properly, it will be bad.. You go to a doctor that is fully trained. He knows the basics.

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How can I compare Django and Python with HTML CSS and JavaScript?

From your question, I can tell you’re a beginner because learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript produces different result to learning Django and Python therefore, they can not be directly compared. Instead, they work hand in hand.

Should I learn JavaScript or Python for web development?

Javascript/HTML/CSS can take you down the front end route, but Python can build the fundamentals of understanding so many of the other languages that are not as functional programming based.