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Is it normal to always fight with your friend?

Is it normal to always fight with your friend?

It’s common for friends to fight or have trouble getting along. Sometimes fights are easy to move on from and they can make your friendship stronger and closer. Sometimes small fights can turn into large ones and you may have to work hard to sort things out.

Is it healthy for friends to fight?

Being friends doesn’t mean you’ll never argue. Disagreeing can be a sign of a healthy relationship, especially if it’s done respectfully. It’s important to fight fair and to make up after an argument. In good, productive arguments, both people get to say what’s on their mind without feeling judged, mocked or insulted.

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How do you fix a friendship after a fight?

6 Ways to Mend a Broken Friendship and Have a Best friend for…

  1. Open up about your feelings. No one can understand your feelings if you never talk about them— even if they are your best friends for years.
  2. Do apologize. We make mistakes.
  3. Give them some time.
  4. Listen to their opinions.
  5. Reminisce.
  6. See the changes.

Is it normal for friends to never fight?

No after 15 years of friendship never having a big fight is quite unusual. A few things that could lead to this is: Both are very mature and don’t attack just to hurt. Understanding each other’s point and view of life.

What do friends argue about?

The truth is, friends argue because they care about each other. They care about each other’s ideas, opinions, and desires. So, when they disagree, they are likely to try to change the other’s mind because they really want to agree with each other, and it hurts when they don’t agree.

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How to build friendship?

Choose friends wisely. You do not have to be everyone’s friend. Choose to be friends with people who build you up,not tear you down. Choose friends

  • Listen. Listen closely to what the other person is saying. Let that person know that you hear them. Ask clarifying questions. Summarize what you’ve
  • Respond carefully. Think before you speak – especially if you are angry. Sometimes,taking a moment to think about what you say before you start
  • Avoid consistently giving advice or trying to fix all of your friend’s problems. By all means,if a friend asks for your advice,give it. They might
  • What is friendship all about?

    Friendship. Friendship is a close association between two people marked by feelings of care, respect, admiration, concern, love, or like.