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Is it OK to smoke cigarettes on the Sabbath?

Is it OK to smoke cigarettes on the Sabbath?

As orthodox Jews must refrain from smoking during the Sabbath, examining their craving levels during this habitual abstinence may be informative in separating smoking deprivation from other determinants of craving and withdrawal.

Are there Kosher cigarettes?

Observant Jews in Israel craving a smoke during the week-long Passover holiday that starts at sundown on Monday can now enjoy a rabbi-approved puff.

What religions are against smoking?

Historically, tobacco use has been ignored by major religions because it did not exist when their scriptures were written. However, most, including Islam and Buddhism, have religious principles that forbid or discourage the use of addictive substances.

Is chametz a tobacco?

The Beis Meir in his commentary on Shulchan Aruch contended that since tobacco and its components are wholly inedible before Pesach, it should be permitted on the basis that it is nifsal meachilas kelev (“not fit for a dog”. See Pesachim 45b) and no longer considered chametz.

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Do cigars need to be kosher for Passover?

For all days of the year, not just Passover.” Nonetheless, cigar companies are also getting into the kosher for Passover game by producing cigars that are not only under rabbinical supervision but are only treated with water and rolled using a tree sap-based glue, as opposed to a more common glue derived from cereal …

Is smoking cigarettes a sin in the Bible?

Since smoking is an addiction, it certainly enslaves the smoker. The Bible states: “Whoever perpetrates a sin is a slave of that sin”. A smoker may ruin his spiritual life and lose his relationship with God as a result of smoking.

Is it a sin to smoke in Christianity?

Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church does not condemn smoking per se, but considers excessive smoking to be sinful, as described in the Catechism (CCC 2290):

Is smoking mentioned in the Bible?

The Bible never directly mentions smoking. There are principles, however, that definitely apply to smoking. First, the Bible commands us not to allow our bodies to become “mastered” by anything.

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Are drugs kosher?

Although prescription medications are not subject to dietary laws because they are considered lifesaving, Orthodox rabbis say vitamins or products used to treat non-life-threatening conditions should be certified as kosher when possible, especially because they often contain flavors that make them more palatable.

Can you smoke a cigar on Passover?

The Magen Avraham in Hilchot Pesach (467:8:10) prohibited using tobacco during Pesach, which was known to have been soaked in beer beforehand. The basis of the Magen Avraham’s stringent position seems to be the prohibition of deriving benefit from chametz, even if not eaten.

Can you have lights on on the Sabbath?

The operation of electrical devices on the Jewish Sabbath is categorically prohibited by Orthodox Jewish authorities. Orthodox and other traditionally observant Jews therefore do not use lights or electrical appliances on the Sabbath; however there is no prohibition on using a light that was turned on before the Sabbath began.

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Can you have a fire on the Sabbath day?

The Rules on Fire! In addition to the general forbidding of all manner of work on the Sabbath, there is a special prohibition against making a fire (Exod. 35:3). The Rabbis considered this to include everything that pertains to the kindling of light, even if no actual work is involved.

Can you open a refrigerator on the Sabbath?

An exception is the refrigerator, which may be opened and closed because any electric current that this produces is incidental and without conscious intent. However, many observant Jews unscrew the refrigerator bulb for the Sabbath. Lights that have been kindled before the Sabbath, such as the Sabbath candles, are allowed]

How do Jews use electricity on Shabbat?

Many observant homes also use timers to turn lights on and off on Shabbat. The Zomet Institute in Israel has also developed a Sabbath electrical outlet that operates through indirect action that can be used for essential needs. Observant Jews typically will not leave a radio or television playing on the Sabbath, however.