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Is it possible for a scientific law to be changed what would cause this to occur?

Is it possible for a scientific law to be changed what would cause this to occur?

Just because an idea becomes a law, doesn’t mean that it can’t be changed through scientific research in the future. The use of the word “law” by laymen and scientists differ. When most people talk about a law, they mean something that is absolute. A scientific law is much more flexible.

What would the world be like without the scientific method?

Without the scientific method, then, our society and culture would probably be less rational, more oriented to human emotion, and less structured/organized. In these ways, a society that had never experienced the rise of the scientific method might well look very different from our own.

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Who among the scientists that share scientific attitudes or habits of mind that lead them to exploration and discovery?

Good scientists share scientific attitudes, or habits of mind, that lead them to exploration and discovery. Curiosity, skepticism, open-mindedness, and creativity help scientists generate new ideas. A curious researcher, for example, may look at a salt marsh and immediately ask, “What’s that plant?

Is there a universal scientific method used by all scientists?

There is no such unique standard method—scientific progress requires many methods—but students in introductory science courses are taught that `The Scientific Method’ is a straightforward procedure, involving testing hypotheses derived from theories in order to test those theories.

Can a scientific theory be revised?

As additional scientific evidence is gathered, a scientific theory may be modified and ultimately rejected if it cannot be made to fit the new findings; in such circumstances, a more accurate theory is then required.

What are the effects of knowing different sciences in our living in this generation?

Scientific knowledge can improve the quality of life at many different levels—from the routine workings of our everyday lives to global issues. Science informs public policy and personal decisions on energy, conservation, agriculture, health, transportation, communication, defense, economics, leisure, and exploration.

What is it about science as a way of knowing that makes it self correcting?

Science tends to be a “self-correcting” way of knowing about things since whether a fact, law, or theory is considered true or not depends on ongoing observations of nature. In science, an educated guess is a hypothesis.

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What is the importance of scientific attitude to scientists?

Scientific attitude is the most important outcome of science teaching and which enables us to think rationally. It is the combination of many qualities and virtues which is reflected through the behavior and action of the person.

What is the scientific method is there just one universal scientific method Why or why not quizlet?

Since there is not just one universal scientific method, scientists can add steps, take out steps, revise, or make models. What’s the difference between an observation and an inference? Observations are what you make when you are gathering data. Inferences are logical statements based on the observations gathered.

Why is there only one universal scientific method?

There is more than just one universal method since scientists have to go back in steps or take a different turn or ask new questions. It means that the author’s peers, which are scientists – evaluate their paper. Observations and inferences are important in science.

Why is the speed of light reciprocal to permittivity?

There’s a reciprocal because permittivity is a “how easy” measure rather than a “how hard” measure. Other than that, the equation takes the same general form, and the speed of light in space, in “vacuo”, is said to be 299,792,458 m/s or 670,616,629 mph.

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Does the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light hold?

The principle of the constancy of the velocity of light does not hold in this theory in the formulation in which it is normally used as the basis of the ordinary theory of relativity”. He said the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light does not hold.

Does light travel at a constant speed regardless of speed?

However he doesn’t mention gravitational lensing. Instead he says regardless of the speed of a light source and regardless of your speed, the “light still travels at a steady 300,000 km/s, completely contrary to classical physics and common sense”. He also says it was the young Einstein’s genius to explain why.

When did Einstein say the speed of light is constant?

Yes, Einstein said the speed of light is constant in 1905 when he was doing special relativity, but by 1907 he was broadening his horizons and looking into what would become general relativity. That’s when he wrote a paper on the relativity principle and the conclusions drawn from it.