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Is Java or Python better for GUI?

Is Java or Python better for GUI?

Python is an interpreted language and is all written in code (unlike Java’s GUI or VB. Having said that, Python is still considerably easier to use than one written in a language such as C/C++ since library names are more readable, there are fewer lines of code needed, and Python has a habit of being less error-prone.

Is Java good for graphics?

It’s certainly possible to write a Java game with excellent graphics, but it’s more risky due to the immaturity of Java graphics libraries. If you want to use DirectX, AFAIK you have to write your own JNI wrapper. If you want to use OpenGL, there are a few options – JOGL or LWJGL.

Can I use a better look and feel for Java Swing GUI?

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The default look and feel of the Java Swing GUI is very boring. Is there any way I can use a better look and feel? Something like on web pages… If this is not nice enough for you, take a look at SWT for Eclipse. Look at the Java tutorial for setting the look and feel.

Is it possible to create a GUI with JavaFX?

Doing such a GUI with JavaFX seems to be rather easy. And finally, take a look at JavaFX home site samples. Yes, Swing is very customizable. I recommend reading Filthy Rich Clients. For an example, have a look at Cezanne L&F. Swing alone can also create awesome looking UIs.

Should I change the default Java Swing theme?

I googled on java swing theme. That said, if you’re making a hobby project changing the LAF is no problem. If you’re making software for your buddies it’s also not a problem. If you make software for customers keep the swing default. It works well and isn’t too exciting:) Another option is the Plastic Look-and-feel.

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How to customize L&F in JRE?

The traditional way to customize L&F is to write your own UI classes for all components, which is not easy. The Synth L&F is included in JRE5 and become mature in JRE6. With Synth L&F you can customize your own look and feel with images and painter classes.