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Is Landmark a scheme?

Is Landmark a scheme?

Landmark is definitely not a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes operate where you get money for recruiting people and also when those people recruit people and the people they recruit get recruited, and so on, and so on, etc..

What is the purpose of the Landmark Forum?

The Landmark Forum is designed to bring about positive, permanent shifts in the quality of your life—in just three days.

What is the significance of the landmark?

something used to mark the boundary of land. a building or other place that is of outstanding historical, aesthetic, or cultural importance, often declared as such and given a special status (landmark designation ), ordaining its preservation, by some authorizing organization.

Is landmark an MLM?

They don’t do MLM or pyramid scheme in a sense that whoever signs up new people are not actually getting monetarily benefited. But in reality, it’s nothing but a very successful Viral marketing strategy that they have smartly invented.

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Is Landmark a MLM?

Why join the Landmark Forum?

The reason to join the Landmark Forum – henceforth referred to as LF – was an interesting narration of experience by a good neighbor friend who was hugely benefited by attending the forum a couple of years ago.

What is landlandmark Forum?

Landmark forum’s shameless MLM ( Multi-Level Marketing or Pyramid scheme) style of marketing starts on the first and second day itself. The only difference is that you as a member don’t get paid to enroll more people.

What happens to the shameless marketing about the Landmark Forum?

The shameless marketing (of sorts) about the Landmark Forum and extra ordinary benefits in offer will continue during 50\% of day one.

What is the best time to launch your Forum?

This highly recommended session, Launching Your Forum, is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and provides a powerful foundation for you getting the most out of your Forum. Breaks are approximately every 2-3 hours, with a 90-minute dinner break.