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Is lightning the same as light?

Is lightning the same as light?

Lightning is not light, though it emits some. Lightning is the discharge of electricity from ground to cloud, or cloud to ground, or cloud to cloud.

Why do we see lighting before thunder?

If we are watching the sky, we see the lightning before we hear the thunder. That is because light travels much faster than sound waves. It takes approximately 5 seconds for the sound to travel 1 mile.

Can humans see lightning?

The human eye has difficulty in separating the individual flashes of light that constitute a single lightning bolt. Thus, human being perceive lightning as a flickering light.

Is light stronger than lightning?

Comparing it with the average lightning speed, Light is ~ 675.45 times faster.

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Is light faster or lightning?

The average speed of lightning is not as fast as the speed of light, which is 299,792,458 meters per second.

Which is faster lightning or a bullet?

That is faster than a bullet fired from an assault rifle- 1000 metres per second.

Who is faster light or lightning?

Why do we hear Lightning before we see it?

This creates an initial CRACK sound, followed by rumbles as the column of air continues to vibrate. If we are watching the sky, we see the lightning before we hear the thunder. That is because light travels much faster than sound waves.

Why do Thunder and lightning make a sound?

The heated air expands explosively, creating a shockwave as the surrounding air is rapidly compressed. The air then contracts rapidly as it cools. This creates an initial CRACK sound, followed by rumbles as the column of air continues to vibrate. If we are watching the sky, we see the lightning before we hear the thunder.

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What happens to air during a lightning storm?

The lightning discharge heats the air rapidly and causes it to expand. The temperature of the air in the lightning channel may reach as high as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun. Immediately after the flash, the air cools and contracts quickly.

Why does Lightning travel faster than sound waves?

That is because light travels much faster than sound waves. We can estimate the distance of the lightning by counting how many seconds it takes until we hear the thunder. It takes approximately 5 seconds for the sound to travel 1 mile.