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Is negative infinity the same as positive infinity?

Is negative infinity the same as positive infinity?

No. In number sets in which positive and negative infinity are both defined, they are not equal. There are sets, such as the extended complex numbers, in which there is only one kind of infinity, but they attach no meaning to infinity being positive or negative.

Can you add infinity to negative infinity?

What happens when you add negative infinity to positive infinity in math and how does it happen? – Quora. Infinity minus infinity is undefined.

What is the sum of positive infinity and negative infinity?


Which of following does not equal to positive infinity (+ ∞ )?


−0.1 0.544021110889 0.1
−0.01 0.50636564111 0.01
−0.001 −0.8268795405312 0.001
−0.0001 0.305614388888 0.0001
−0.00001 −0.035748797987 0.00001
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Is negative infinity plus infinity zero?

No, it is undefined . Infinity is not a number thus you can’t subtract it from infinity to get zero like you do with numbers. Sometimes.

Does negative infinity cancel positive infinity?

It is impossible for infinity subtracted from infinity to be equal to one and zero. Therefore, infinity subtracted from infinity is undefined. Now subtract ∞ from ∞ to get an exact pie by using our famous mathematician (Riemann’s Paradox) concept.

Does negative infinity cancel positive?

If you try to put some values of x, such as 1,2,3,…. you will notice that all numbers will be correct because if you add any number to infinity,it will be again infinity or if you select any negative number , infinity will not loss anything from infinity, it will be again infinity.

Where is negative and positive infinity on a graph?

To find the range we need to determine the y-values on the graph. Notice that the y-values on the graph go from negative infinity ( the lowest point of the graph) and to positive infinity (the top of the graph).

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What does infinity over infinity equal?

BUT in Mathematics infinity divided by infinity is actually undefined.

Does limit exist if infinity?

As a general rule, when you are taking a limit and the denominator equals zero, the limit will go to infinity or negative infinity (depending on the sign of the function). So when would you put that a limit does not exist? When the one sided limits do not equal each other.