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Is opinion same as truth?

Is opinion same as truth?

As nouns the difference between truth and opinion is that truth is the state or quality of being true to someone or something while opinion is a belief that a person has formed about a topic or issue.

Is it a fact or opinion?

A fact is a statement that can be verified. It can be proven to be true or false through objective evidence. An opinion is a statement that expresses a feeling, an attitude, a value judgment, or a belief. It is a statement that is neither true nor false.

How is fact different from opinion?

A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. An opinion is an expression of a person’s feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can be based on facts or emotions and sometimes they are meant to deliberately mislead others.

Why can anyone have any opinion about anything?

Anyone can have any opinion about anything because it doesn’t need to be based in reality. Take the facts listed above and see how they are different as opinion statements. You could argue that because we need oxygen to survive (a fact), that it’s the most important element. But that’s your opinion.

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Are opinions accurate and true?

Opinions can be accurate and true but opinions can also be completely false and untrue. In other words, an opinion can be a fact when it is accurate, true, and verifiable with evidence.

Is fact a matter of opinion or reality?

In actuality, however, a fact is not a matter of opinion; it is an incontrovertible, verifiable reality that is grounded in objective evidence. It is arrived at precisely because the “alternatives” have been disproven. Still, every person has a right to express opinions without being ridiculed or shouted down.

What is the difference between fact opinion belief and Prejudice?

Distinguishing Fact, Opinion, Belief, and Prejudice. Unlike an opinion, a belief is a conviction based on cultural or personal faith, morality, or values. Statements such as “Capital punishment is legalized murder” are often called “opinions” because they express viewpoints, but they are not based on facts or other evidence.