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Is Rafale deal corruption?

Is Rafale deal corruption?

Rafale manufacturer Dassault Aviation and India’s defence ministry have previously trashed allegations of any corruption in the contract. Prior to the Lok Sabha elections in 2019, Congress raised several questions about the deal and alleged corruption, but the government rejected all the charges.

What is wrong in Rafale deal?

The Congress accused the government of massive irregularities in the deal, alleging that it was procuring each aircraft at a cost of over ₹1,670 crore as against ₹526 crore finalised by the UPA government during the negotiations for the MMRCA.

Why did India choose Rafale?

Rafale was chosen as the lowest bidder based on life-cycle cost, which is a combination of cost of acquisition, operating cost over a duration of 40 years and cost of transfer of technology. The negotiations with Dassault dragged on due to disagreements on warranty for aircraft produced by HAL.

How many Rafale will India buy?

36 Rafale jets
India and France had signed an inter-governmental agreement in 2016 to procure 36 Rafale jets at a cost Rs 59,000 crore. The twin-engine Rafale jets are capable of carrying out a variety of missions, such as ground and sea attack, air defence and air superiority, reconnaissance, and nuclear strike deterrence.

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How many Rafale is India buying?

The first batch of five Rafale jets arrived in India on July 29, 2020, nearly four years after India signed an inter-governmental agreement with France to procure 36 aircraft at a cost of ₹ 59,000 crore.

Which country have Rafale aircraft?

Introduced in 2001, the Rafale is being produced for both the French Air Force and for carrier-based operations in the French Navy….Dassault Rafale.

Role Multirole fighter
National origin France
Manufacturer Dassault Aviation
First flight Rafale A demo: 4 July 1986 Rafale C: 19 May 1991

How much did Qatar pay for Rafale?

Congress leaders Ghulam Nabi Azad and former minister of state for defence Jitendra Singh, citing Dassault’s annual report, alleged that Egypt and Qatar had paid ₹1,319 crore per aircraft in comparison to ₹1,670 crore paid by India, which represented an increase of ₹351 crore per aircraft.

Why did India choose Rafale over Eurofighter?