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Is SDM or IRS better?

Is SDM or IRS better?

After IAS, IPS (All India Service) and IRS (Central Group A Service), SDM is definitely a better choice.

Which is the highest post in civil services?

the Cabinet Secretary
The highest ranking civil servant is the Cabinet Secretary. They are ex-officio Chairman of the Civil Services Board; the chief of the Indian Administrative Service and head of all civil services under the rules of business of the Government of India.

Is civil service a good career option?

Civil Services offer an attractive and very challenging career to the ambitious individuals, the aspiring and the talented. Indian civil services (CSE) pave the way for becoming an IAS, IPS or IFS officer. Indian civil services (CSE) are considered as one of the prestigious services.

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What is group A and group B?

Thus, posts carrying pay or scale of pay with a maximum of not less than 13500/- are categorised under Group `A’. Posts carrying a pay or scale of pay with a maximum of not less than Rs. 9000/- but less than 13500/- are known as Group `B’ posts. Civil posts with a maximum pay (or a scale of pay) over Rs.

What is Group A and Group B in UPSC?

The Group A officers are appointed by the President of India and appointments to Group B are made by the authorities specified by a general or special order of the President.

Is SDM a Class 1 officer?

Each Subdivision is under the charge of an officer designated as a Subdivisional Magistrate (S.D.M.) or Deputy Collector who is a member of the State Civil Services cadre. SDM’s in Sub-Divisions are normally of 2nd Class and tehsildars in a state are treated as 3rd Class magistrates.

Are civil servants happy with their salary?

While the starting salaries of a civil servant are decent (around Rs 50,000), his growth of salary is just @ 3\% per annum (plus the Dearness Allowance). The salary of the Chief Secretary is hardly Rs 1,80,000 pm (or Rs 1,35,000 after tax).

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What is Group A and Group B in civil services?

Modern India The Group A officers are appointed by the President of India and appointments to Group B are made by the authorities specified by a general or special order of the President.

What is better than IAS in India?

IFS officers also do not have to worry about meddling politicians like their IAS/IPS counterparts do. And, they have diplomatic immunity in most matters when posted abroad. The IFS officer salary structure is also higher than the IAS officer salary structure due to higher allowances.

Is it easy to leave the civil service for senior jobs?

These three people have successfully left the civil service for senior jobs in the private and voluntary sectors. But it’s not always easy to cross that divide: Suzannah Brecknell gathers advice on how to follow their lead First, the good news for civil servants looking for a new job outside government.

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What percentage of people join civil services for money?

50+\% of the people join civil services for money. So, if that is the sole criterion, then choose field services. Field services, whatsoever, have very good scope of earning money as scrutiny and level of transparency is very less in the field.

Which is the best civil service for a Bachelors?

So, if one discounts the money part, then perhaps IDES is the best civil service for bachelors (one u marry, then priority changes again) Insult is part of life of field services, so one need have reasonable level of comfort in handling those. Then there are factors such as inclination.

What is the federal employees group life insurance program?

Life insurance benefits under the FEGLI program would be paid in addition to any workers’ compensation, Social Security, Civil Service Retirement System or Federal Employees Retirement System survivor benefit, or savings plan payment. Visit the Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program homepage for more information about life insurance.
