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Is the word fast an adjective or adverb?

Is the word fast an adjective or adverb?

Fast is both an adjective and an adverb. Quick is an adjective and the adverb form is quickly. …

Why is adjective fast?

Fast is used especially to describe a person or thing that moves or is able to move at great speed. Quick is more often used to describe something that is done in a short time or without delay. Rapid, swift, and speedy are more formal words….fast.

fast ~ quick ~ rapid ~
pace decision decline
lane way progress

How do you use the word fast in a sentence?

Fast sentence example

  1. It was all so fast that she didn’t have time to think.
  2. How fast was I going?
  3. Just as fast , she looked away.
  4. Get out as fast as possible.
  5. He ran home as fast as he could, blowing the whistle as he ran.
  6. I just got up too fast , that’s all.
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Is speed an adjective?

The first records of speedy come from the 1300s. Speedy is the adjective form of the noun speed. When we want to describe someone or something as having great speed, we typically just use the word fast.

What type of adjective is fast?

Fast is both an adjective and an adverb. Quick is an adjective and the adverb form is quickly….Fast, quick or quickly?

It was a fast train. We need to have a quick chat before the meeting. Fast and quick are adjectives.
You walk very fast! Not: … very fastly. We should do it as quickly as possible. Fast and quickly are adverbs.

How do you use the word fast as a verb?

The window was stuck fast. She held fast to her belief in justice. We must stand fast and not surrender! Verb She always fasts on Yom Kippur.

What part of speech is as fast as?

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fast 1

part of speech: adjective
inflections: faster, fastest
definition 1: moving or operating with speed. He’s a fast runner.She drives a fast car. synonyms: quick, rapid antonyms: slack, slow similar words: brisk, fleet, swift

How do you use late as an adjective in a sentence?

late adjective, adverb (AFTER EXPECTED TIME)

  1. This train is always late.
  2. You’ll be late for your flight if you don’t hurry up.
  3. Sorry I’m late.
  4. It’s too late to start complaining now.
  5. We always have a late breakfast on Sunday mornings.

Is fast an action word?

As detailed above, ‘fast’ can be a verb, a noun, an adverb, an adjective or an interjection. Adverb usage: Hold this rope as fast as you can. Adverb usage: Do it as fast as you can. Adverb usage: I think my watch is running fast.

Is “Fastly” a correct word?

The fact is that there is no such word as “fastly”. “Fast” is already both an adjective and an adverb, as in. The athlete runs really fast. (correct) The athlete runs really fastly.

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What is a verb that means fast?

Fast(verb) to practice abstinence as a religious exercise or duty; to abstain from food voluntarily for a time, for the mortification of the body or appetites, or as a token of grief, or humiliation and penitence. Fast(verb) abstinence from food; omission to take nourishment.

Can ‘fast’ be used as an adverb?

The word fast can be used both as an adverb and an adjective (also as a noun, incidentally.) Synonyms for the adverb fast include quickly, rapidly, briskly, speedily, etc.

Is fast a noun?

“Fast” as a noun is a period of abstinence, usually from food. Example: “They can’t eat. They’re on a fast.” “Fast” as a verb means to abstain from food. Example: “Some people fast during religious holidays.”.