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Is Waddiwasi a spell in Harry Potter?

Is Waddiwasi a spell in Harry Potter?

The Waddiwasi Spell (Waddiwasi) was a charm that could be used to shoot a wad of gum at the victim.

What does the spell Meteolojinx do?

2021 Entertainment Wrap Up – The Loop Meteolojinx Recanto was the incantation to a counter-charm that caused weather effects caused by Weather-Modifying Charms such as the Atmospheric Charm to cease.

What does the spell Langlock do?

Langlock was the incantation of a jinx that caused one’s tongue to affix to the roof of their mouth. It was known to work on humans as well as on spirits (including a poltergeist, like Peeves). It was most likely invented for the sake of preventing someone from speaking aloud or even to prevent a spell from being cast.

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What is the spell Lupin use on peeves?

Professor Lupin uses this spell when he encounters Peeves stuffing chewing gum into a lock….

Muggles’ Guide to Harry Potter – Magic
Type Spell (Charm)
Features Removes gum
First Appearance Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

What spell almost killed Draco Malfoy?

Slipping and staggering, Harry got to his feet and plunged toward Malfoy, whose face was now shining scarlet, his white hands scrabbling at his blood-soaked chest….

Incantation Sectumsempra (sec-TUM-semp-ra)
Type Curse
Hand Movement Slash

What is Dumbledore’s main spell?

There are a variety of spells that it could be. The two most likely are the Disarming Charm and the Stupefying Charm. Following this, Voldemort draws Fiendfyre from his mouth and projects it at Dumbledore. This is most likely Fiendfyre based on its shape (a snake, like in the Room of Requirement book 7 battle).

What does this spell stupefy do?

The Stunning Spell (Stupefy), also known as the Stupefying Charm, or Stunner for short, was a charm that stunned the target, rendering them unconscious. This charm was exceptionally useful in duelling, as it can quickly end a duel without causing lasting damage.

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What does the spell Partis Temporus do?

Partis Temporus was the incantation of a charm that temporarily parted the target, creating a gap wherever the caster pointed their wand. This spell was effective in producing a magical partition in a Firestorm.

What is Ron’s Favourite spell?

It was official. Engorgio was his new favourite spell.

What is Harry’s strongest spell?

1 Avada Kedavra Is The Ultimate Unforgivable Curse As the most sinister of Unforgivables, Avada Kedavra – the Killing Curse – is an incredibly powerful spell that is a favorite of Lord Voldemort’s.

What does the incantation rewaddiwasi mean?

Waddiwasi is the incantation for a spell that shoots a wad of gum out of a keyhole. Lupin considers this to be a useful little spell. He used it to remove a wad of gum from a keyhole that Peeves was putting there.

When did Remus Lupin use waddiwasi?

On 2 September 1993, Remus Lupin, the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the 1993–1994 school year, used this spell to dislodge a wad of gum from a door lock directly at Peeves, the school’s Poltergeist. ” Waddiwasi ” comes from two words.

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How do you get to the wizarding village from Hogwarts?

Thankfully, Hogwarts is full of secret passages and hidden rooms, and one such secret passage led Harry straight to the wizarding village if he uses the incantation Dissendium on the One-Eyed Witch statue. Thanks to the Marauder’s Map for this one.