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Is Walder Frey smart?

Is Walder Frey smart?

Both Walder and Roose are intelligent people, but in different ways. Roose has shown how capable he is at eliminating his enemies and securing an unsteady coalition, despite the unpopularity of House Bolton.

How smart is Stannis?

Stannis in the books is pretty smart he’s one of the best military commanders in Westeros and would’ve won the Battle of Blackwater if it wasn’t for the wildfire trick. Show Stannis on the other hand put too much faith in Melisandre he also for some reason decided to take Selyse and Shireen with him to war.

Do the Freys betray the Starks?

Walder Frey killed Robb Stark because he was persuaded to do so by Tywin Lannister. He didn’t act on his own.

Did tywin orchestrate the Red Wedding?

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Some people seem to think that Tywin engineered the red wedding, but that is wrong. On the Tyrion chapter after the red wedding, it’s quite clear that he recieved a letter from Walder Frey explaing the plan and the price that he had to pay (which was rather low) and Tywin answered yes. He planned nothing.

Is Walder Frey bad?

Walder Frey is one of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones for his orchestration of the Red Wedding and killing Robb Stark, one of the most loved characters in Game of Thrones. In the TV series, Walder is irredeemably evil, but his novel counterpart cares about his family and is hence Protective.

How smart is Varys?

VARYS is wise. He is not so clever, but wise, also because he has his assets chopped off he thinks from his brain and not lust. :P. Little finger is not wise , he is she use, he is not ever clever.

Is Tyrion Lannister intelligent?

Tyrion knew nothing about sewers and yet in less than a year he managed to create the best sewer system ever seen in the castle. Tyrion’s ability to learn fast and adapt himself to every new situation is what makes him truly intelligent. He practically taught himself most of the things he knows now.

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Where is Jeyne Westerling?

Jeyne and most of her family remain at Riverrun under the protection of Ser Brynden Tully to avoid extra tension between Lord Frey and her husband. Jeyne rides an hour north of the Tumblestone in an attempt to accompany Robb, but he sends her back to Riverrun.

Who is Roose Bolton in the books?

Roose Bolton was the head of House Bolton, a vassal family to House Stark of Winterfell. He was the Lord of the Dreadfort. Roose takes pride in his house sigil; the flayed man.

Who is the father of Ramsay Bolton?

―Roose Bolton. Lord Roose Bolton was the Lord of the Dreadfort and the head of House Bolton, the former ruling Great House of the North after usurping the position from House Stark. He was the father of Ramsay Bolton – his legitimized bastard – and an unnamed newborn baby from his wife, Walda Frey.

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What does Roose warn Robb about the High Road?

Roose warns Robb that the high road is pretty but difficult. Robb counters that he is treating his prisoners as he hopes the Lannisters will treat his sisters. They come across a nurse, Talisa Maegyr, and a silent sister treating a wounded Lannister soldier. The healer is preparing to amputate his leg to prevent a wound infection spreading.

What happened to Robb after he was betrayed by Bolton?

Upon her discovery, he flashes her a sinister grin, revealing that the Starks have been betrayed, causing her to slap him across the face and yell at Robb to run. Bolton runs to safety as the Freys turn on the Starks. In the aftermath, he approaches Robb and stabs him in the heart.
