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Is work done by a spring force always negative?

Is work done by a spring force always negative?

The minus sign indicates that the spring force is always opposite in direction to the displacement of its free end. So the work done by a spring force is always negative.

Is work done by spring force always positive?

Total work done by spring force may be positive, negative or zero. though we know that the spring force is always directed towards mean position and the spring force is always negative.

Is the force of a spring positive or negative?

restoring force
The spring force is called a restoring force because the force exerted by the spring is always in the opposite direction to the displacement. This is why there is a negative sign in the Hooke’s law equation.

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What is the direction of the work of a spring force?

As discussed above, the spring force varies in magnitude and in direction. Its magnitude can be found using Hooke’s law. Its direction is always opposite the direction of stretch and towards the equilibrium position.

Is spring compression negative?

Hooke’s law is a linear relationship The force, called the restoring force, is positive when x is negative (spring is compressed) and negative when x is positive (spring is extended).

Is potential energy of a spring always negative?

So if you graph the potential energy stored in the spring as a function of the displacement x you’d get a quadratic with its minimum at x=0. Making the sensible definition that the PE is zero when x=0 the potential energy can never be negative.

When the work done by the force is negative?

Work done by a force applied on a body is: When the direction of motion of the body and the force acting on the body is opposite, work done is negative. When the force is acting at a right angle to the direction of motion of the body, work done is zero.

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Why is the spring constant always positive?

The constant k is called the spring constant and is always a positive number. This means that the spring exerts a force in the negative direction, that is, it pulls back. When x is negative then the minus sign makes F positive. This means that the spring exerts a force in the positive x direction, that is, it pushes.

Why is spring force negative?

The force exerted by a spring is called a restoring force; it always acts to restore the spring toward equilibrium. In Hooke’s law, the negative sign on the spring’s force means that the force exerted by the spring opposes the spring’s displacement.

Does a stiffer spring have more elastic spring force?

A less stiff object can be stretched or compressed more easily. Comparing two elastic objects, more elastic spring force would act on the stiffer elastic object when they are stretched or compressed by the same length.

Why frictional force is always negative?

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Since, the direction of motion of the block and the direction of frictional force is opposite to each other, the work done by friction is negative. This is because the force of static friction opposes our force. However, since the block does not move, the displacement is zero. Therefore, zero work is done by friction.