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Should Marine be capitalized?

Should Marine be capitalized?

Marines Capitalize when referring to U.S. forces: the U.S. Marines, the Marines, the Marine Corps, Marine regulations. Capitalize Marine when referring to an individual in a Marine Corps unit: He is a Marine. Do not describe Marines as soldiers, which is generally associated with the Army.

Why is Marine always capitalized?

Because marine is not a noun but a proper name. To use it as a noun the meaning would shift to something pertaining the sea. A Marine is someone who serves in the Marine Corps. Much like the way you would capitalize NAVY Seal, Green Beret etc.

Is Marines a proper noun?

When talking about the US Marines, it is a proper noun, so it is capitalized. Same with Marine Corps. Marines in general is a proper noun because it refers to the United States forces.

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Is Marine capitalized AP style?

AP Style tip: Capitalize Army and Marines when referring to U.S forces: the U.S. Army, the U.S. Marines, the Army, the Marines.

Should Atlantic Ocean be capitalized?

The great pond between Europe and the Americas is the Atlantic Ocean. Ocean gets capitalized because it is part of that puddle’s proper name. It’s not an Atlantic ocean, it’s the Atlantic Ocean. It might help you remember this type of capitalization by thinking of the Pacific Ocean.

Is Marine capitalized Chicago style?

Armed Forces/Military Titles Full names of armies, navies, air forces, etc., are capitalized (U.S. Marine Corps, Royal Air Force, the British Navy, Army Corps of Engineers).

Is United States Military capitalized?

I have an editor who is going back and forth about whether or not the word military is capitalized when used in “United States Military”. Military is not a proper name, its a common noun. The proper name for the entity being described is the United States Armed Forces. As such, military should remain in lowercase.

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What is the difference between a US soldier and a Marine?

Marines also differ from the traditional soldier, or grunt, in that they are much more technical and proficient in the manner in which they conduct themselves in any kind of battle, as they know they are typically the ones leading the charge, so making mistakes is not an option that ever crosses their mind.

Should military be capitalized?

Military is not a proper name, its a common noun. The proper name for the entity being described is the United States Armed Forces. As such, military should remain in lowercase.

Are sailors and marines capitalized?

Dalton, decreed the word Sailor when used in Naval correspondence and referring to Sailors of the U.S. Navy – Sailor will be capitalized. Marine (when referring to a person in the Marine Corps) is a proper noun and will always be capitalized.

Are Marine Corps ranks capitalized?

sergeant major of the Marine Corps Sergeant major of the Marine Corps is a unique noncommissioned rank in the Marine Corps. Capitalize and abbreviate “sergeant major” when used as a rank before an individual’s name: Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps Carlton W.

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Is Marine Corps officer capitalized?

Always capitalize the names of the U.S. military services: Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Army Reserves, Marine Corps Reserves and Navy Reserves.