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Should we end the Yulin dog meat festival in China?

Should we end the Yulin dog meat festival in China?

So, yes, we must end the Yulin dog meat festival – but to do that we must also end dog meat eating in China – and that’s a year-round campaign. As the trend towards caring for animal companions in the home continues to grow in China, Animals Asia expects to see increasing opportunities to stop dog and cat meat eating across the country.

What are the health risks of Yulin festival?

This festival poses serious risks to human health. The World Health Organization has linked the consumption of dog meat to outbreaks of numerous diseases in people, including cholera and trichinellosis, along with rabies, which is a problem Yulin struggles with.

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How many dogs are killed at the Yulin lychee Festival?

At its height, the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival was said to be responsible for 10,000 to 15,000 slaughtered dogs. In 2014 that figure was reported as dropping to 2,000 to 3,000.

Is it true that China has a dog eating festival?

Misinformation is rife around China’s most notorious event – arm yourself with the facts, cut through the rumours and take action. 1/ Is it true China has a dog eating festival? The truth is there used to be an officially organised event in Yulin city called the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival which took place around the summer solstice.

Is Guangxi’s new law putting an end to animal trafficking?

Animal activists are celebrating a new law that puts stops on the mass trafficking of feral dogs into Yulin, Guangxi for their annual festival of dog meat.

How does the dog meat industry work in China?

The dog meat industry is one of supply and demand and if demand increases – whether the animal is slaughtered or saved – the trader will replace their “stock”. This is particularly true in Yulin during the summer solstice. This means another dog will likely be stolen — or purchased using the funds earned from the last “sale”.