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Was Abhimanyu really 16?

Was Abhimanyu really 16?

Abhimanyu was merely 16 years old during Kurukshetra war. He was a great warrior like his father Arjuna.

At what age did Abhimanyu marry?

Since Pandavas wanted to have an ongoing relationship with king Virata, they agreed to fix the marriage of Abhimanyu with Virata’s daughter Uttara, when he was just a teenager (16-18 year old). Actually, in those days the custom of early marriage was not prevalent.

Was Arjuna a maharathi or Atimaharathi?

Arjuna- the mighty son of Indra was equal to 12 maharathi class warriors and thus-Atimaharathi. According to Bhishma, only Arjuna along with Krishna was Atimaharathi at time of Kurukshetra war.

What happens to Uttara after Abhimanyu dies?

Uttaraa was widowed at a very young age when Abhimanyu was killed in the Kurukshetra war. When Abhimanyu died, Uttaraa tried to burn herself on the pyre of Abhimanyu, but Krishna stopped her from doing so, informing her of her pregnancy.

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Who is son of vidura in Mahabharata?

Vidura had many children. One specific son is mentioned, Anasava, who fought on the Pandava side. Another son (or maybe Anasava) is specifically mentioned to carry Draupadi’s messages to the Raj Sabha on the day of dice…

Was Abhimanyu destined to die in the Chakravyuha?

Also Abhimanyu was an incarnation of the son of the moon god who wanted to leave earth after 16 years. Thus some believe Abhimanyu was destined to die in the Chakravyuha. The death of Abhimanyu, was therefore a necessary sacrifice which later became one of the main reasons for the Pandavas to defeat Kauravas.

How did Abhimanyu die in Mahabharat?

Dussasana’s son never wanted to kill Abhimanyu so he never attacked abhimanyu but Abhimanyu being egostic attacked his brother and poor son of Dussasan showed his wrath that consumed Abhimanyu along with his weapon. Abhimanyu was fairly killed by son of Dussassana in a mace duel . Fair death of Abhimanyu .

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Who killed Abhimanyu in Kurukshetra War?

Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna was killed on the 13th day of Kurukshetra war as he did not know his way out from the chakravyuh. But the question here is that who actually killed him – the 7 maharathis Dronacharya, Kripacharya, Karna, Ashwathama, Duryodhan, Dushasan and Salva or

What is the story of Abhimanyu’s wife Uttara?

Abhimanyu’s wife Uttara the Matsya princess is pregnant when Abhimanyu dies on the battlefield. Krishna saves her and her baby when Dronacharya’s son Ashwatthama fires a Brahmastra at her in revenge. Abhimanyu’s son Parikshit is later born a still-born child that Lord Krishna revives.