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Was Darth Sidious a Darth Bane?

Was Darth Sidious a Darth Bane?

Palpatine IS Darth Bane. Bane was one of the most powerful Sith lords of all time. Knowing this there are a number of good old “unnatural” paths that he would’ve known about that few others did. Force Possession has been demonstrated in both the canon and the legends material.

Is Palpatine stronger than bane?

Using this logic, Bane, as the first of his order, was the weakest while Sidious, the last, was the most powerful. Darth Sidious. And this has been officially confirmed, in fact. First of all, Sidious far outclasses Bane in both lightsaber combat and raw Force abilities.

Who is more powerful Darth Vader or Darth Bane?

it is likely that many of the Sith Lords who followed Bane in the next 1000 years were more powerful than he was. As one of the most powerful Force users to ever live, Darth Vader certainly was.

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What does Darth Bane look like?

A visionary Sith Lord, Darth Bane was a human male who possessed pale skin and yellow eyes. He believed that strength should have dominance over weakness, developing this philosophy after his personal experiences and by studying ancient Sith documents.

How was Sidious so powerful?

Sidious was powerful for two reasons- one, he was naturally gifted, which is why Plagueis chose him in the first place. And two, the Sith Rule of Two minimized the number of people accessing the Dark Side and which allowed it to be concentrated in the hands of the Master and gradually parsed out to the apprentice.

Is Darth Bane weak?

Darth Bane (as written by Drew Karpyshyn) considered the Sith counterpart to the Jedi Order at the time, the Brotherhood of the Sith, to be fundamentally weaker than the classical Sith.

What would happen if Darth Sidious and Darth Bane were to fight?

Darth Bane and Darth Sidious were comparable in the force as well as dueling, augmentation and dark side abilities. If these two were to fight here’s how I’d see the fight play out. Sidious and Bane would eye each other from across the room both sensing the dark miasma that represented their respective strength in the dark side of the force.

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Is Darth Bane the most powerful sith’ari?

Yes, I know the Sith’ari is Darth Bane rather than Darth Sidious, but Darth Bane being the Sith’ari doesn’t mean that he is the most powerful. The Sith’ari is simply “free of limits” and will destroy and recreate the Sith Order.

Is Darth Sidious the most powerful Sith ever?

Cannonically he is the most powerful sith ever, and the second most powerful force user ever (second to Luke) as state by Lucas himself. His feats also greatly surpass those of Darth Bane. Lastly, Sidious was the last of the Banite Sith, a sith order where the apprentice had to best the master to prove himself worthy.

Who would win in a fight Bane or Sidious?

Power is not a concrete gauge for a who would win scenario, sometimes it can be about the right tools and mindset i.e Mace vs Sidious or Batman vs Superman (awesome comic not lame film) If its a question of power then of course Sidious absolutely wins, but Bane is not so outmatched that he is stomped.