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Were Finn and Rey supposed to end up together?

Were Finn and Rey supposed to end up together?

, Been a fan of Star Wars since I was 5 years old. “Why in the “Force Awakens”, Finn was about to end up with Rey, but suddenly in “The Last Jedi”, he ended up with Rose Tico?” Through both movies there has been no time for Finn to develop a romance with Rey or Rose. To be clear, no one ended up with anyone.

What happened to Rey and Finn romance?

One of the most alarming of the revelations contained in the thread, though, may reveal the reason why a Finn/Rey romance never happened. In response to this, Abrams instead pitched a Poe/Finn romance, but Disney refused to allow that to go ahead as well.

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Who does Finn love?

Finn is the love interest of Rose Tico in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, and during The Rise of Skywalker, Jannah and Finn become romantically interested in each other. He’s also the best friend of Poe Dameron, with whom he also has a relationship that can be interpreted as having romantic tension.

Does Finn love Rose or Rey?

Who does Rey end up with?

Ben Solo is the love of Rey’s life. Initially unknown to Rey, she forms a dyad in the Force with Ben. The dyad is an unbreakable Force-bond that makes them one in the Force, despite being born as two physically separated individuals.

Is Poe in love with Rey?

What’s most interesting about the Poe-Rey romance in Duel of the Fates is not that it’s sexy, forbidden, or emotionally satisfying. Instead, the pairing represents freedom, stability, and happiness for Rey. And although Rey did get a “happy” ending in The Rise of Skywalker, it was also a very lonely one.

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Did Finn have feelings for Rey?

So does Finn love Rey? No, not like that. The films and comments made from those involved in making the trilogy have made clear that despite seeming to have some romantic tension between them, there is nothing going on between Rey and Finn.

Who is Rey’s love interest?

Is Rey in love with Finn?