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What 3 diseases have been eradicated?

What 3 diseases have been eradicated?

Many of the diseases that have been eradicated (smallpox and rinderpest) or targeted for elimination by WHO, such as polio, malaria, measles and rubella, are present in multiple countries. However, as a disease approaches eradication, disease incidence becomes more geographically restricted.

What is the most infectious disease in history?

Perhaps the most notorious of all infectious diseases, the bubonic and pneumonic plagues are believed to be the cause of the Black Death that rampaged through Asia, Europe and Africa in the 14th century killing an estimated 50 million people.

What are the eight killer diseases?

Eight Most Deadly Infectious Diseases 1990 vs. 2004

Tuberculosis Bacterium 9 million
Malaria Sporozoan 110 million
AIDS HIV 5.6 million
Measles Virus 200 million
Hepatitus B Virus 200 million
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What childhood diseases are coming back?

Worrisome Diseases That Are Still Around

  • Plague. 1 / 13. It’s hard to believe, but the Black Death isn’t just one for the history books or far-flung places.
  • Tuberculosis (TB) 2 / 13.
  • Syphilis and Chlamydia. 3 / 13.
  • Scarlet Fever. 4 / 13.
  • Measles. 5 / 13.
  • Mumps. 6 / 13.
  • Whooping Cough. 7 / 13.
  • Legionnaires’ Disease. 8 / 13.

Is polio A virus?

Polio is a viral disease which may affect the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and paralysis. The polio virus enters the body through the mouth, usually from hands contaminated with the stool of an infected person. Polio is more common in infants and young children and occurs under conditions of poor hygiene.

What is the scariest disease?

The world’s 7 most terrifying diseases

  • Ebola. What is Ebola?
  • Kuru disease. What is Kuru disease?
  • Naegleria fowleri. What is Naegleria fowleri?
  • Guinea worm disease. What is Guinea worm disease?
  • African trypanosomiasis. What is African trypanosomiasis?
  • River blindness. What is river blindness?
  • Buruli ulcers.
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What are the six childhood diseases?

Childhood Illnesses: 10 Most Common Conditions in Children

  • Common Cold.
  • Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis.
  • Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis)
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)
  • Febrile Seizures.
  • Chickenpox ​​ ​
  • Eczema.
  • Asthma.

What disease was in 2000?

Not long ago, in the early 2000s, the disease known as “SARS” — short for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome — was causing panic in the countries affected by it. Thousands of people had been infected and hundreds killed by the new disease, a little-understood bug that traveled quickly around the globe.

What diseases today are like the bubonic plague?

In the following pages, we present seven infections from the past that still plague us today.

  • Pneumonic/Bubonic Plague.
  • Spanish and Swine Flu — H1N1.
  • Polio.
  • Chagas Disease.
  • Leprosy.
  • Hookworm.
  • Tuberculosis.

What is the oldest disease on Earth?

Leprosy is the oldest disease in the world. Sadly, hundreds of thousands of people are still diagnosed with it ever year.