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What age group is the book To Kill a Mockingbird for?

What age group is the book To Kill a Mockingbird for?

A must-read for 13+

Is To Kill a Mockingbird appropriate for 7th grade?

It has some strong language, but it is all appropriate to the story. Yes. You should read it, definitely. There may be things you don’t get at your age, but you will enjoy it.

What age reading level is To Kill a Mockingbird?

To Kill a Mockingbird

Interest Level Reading Level Word Count
Grades 9 – 12 Grades 3 – 6 99121

Is To Kill a Mockingbird appropriate for a 10 year old?

Age Appropriate for: 10+. I was in fifth grade when I read “To Kill a Mockingbird” for the first time, and though the book’s themes include racism, rape and attempted murder, the way it’s told through a 9-year-old girl’s eyes make it digestible and appropriate for younger readers.

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Is 1984 a good book?

“1984” is one of the greatests books of the 20th century and is living on into the 21st. It offers unmatched insights into the nature of totalitarianism, the use of language to control thought and narrative, the nature of fear and betrayal.

What is the rating for To Kill a Mockingbird?

Not Rated
To Kill a Mockingbird/MPAA rating

What reading level is the Great Gatsby?

The Great Gatsby

Interest Level Reading Level Word Count
Grades 9 – 12 Grades 6 – 12 47094

Why is 1984 Bad?

Totalitarian Evil Things didn’t turn out so well for him. In addition to war injuries that would never fully heal, Orwell’s faith in communism shattered when he saw the bureaucracy, greed, and heartlessness within it. 1984 is a caricature of the totalitarian evil, and not a particularly subtle one.

Is the book 1984 Boring?

1984 is in fact a lame, boring, and novel that attempts to be philosophical. I say “attempts” because any useful words of philosophy are lost or choked by the presence of Winston, the lame, spine-less main character who seems intent on boring the reader to death. Sadly, it seems Winston failed on that count too.

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What age is Catch 22 for?

Ami 16+ . The book has 1-2 hard scenes in it (the rest is extremely funny). Lewis M As this book appears on high school literature lists from time to time in Grade 11-12 (16-17 years old) and I read it at 18 for the first time, that’s probably a good time to do it as a serious read.