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What are 5 things you like about your best friend?

What are 5 things you like about your best friend?

75 Reasons Why I Love My Best Friend

  • She understands me better than anyone.
  • We have memories that no-one else will understand.
  • History.
  • We have our own private language.
  • One look and I understand exactly what she is thinking.
  • One look and she can make me burst into laughter.
  • She feels like a sister to me.

What is something special I can do for my best friend?

23 Ways to Celebrate Your BFF on Best Friend Day

  1. Make a BFF movie. Stuff all the glory days of your friendship into a short animated video.
  2. Plan a girlfriend getaway.
  3. Make a mix tape.
  4. Give her the moon and stars.
  5. Play hooky together.
  6. Get your zen on.
  7. Binge on chick flicks (no boys allowed)
  8. Stroll down memory lane.

What do you do when your best friend changes?

Here are some things you can do to cope:

  1. Take time: try to give your friendship a little room to breathe and grow.
  2. Talk it out: let your friend know how you’re feeling about the friendship.
  3. Stay positive: try not to accuse your friend or blame them for the situation.
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What to say to a friend who has changed?

Begin by saying something that you like about your friend. Use a specific example of a time that your friend’s behavior has upset you. Reassure them that you are still their friend. You might say, “I will always be here for you, but I want to make sure that you’re doing well.”

What do you like the most about your best friend?

“My best friend makes me laugh more than anyone else in the world. She’s like a sister to me and I feel that I can totally be myself around her.” “My best friend is a good listener. She’s always there when I need a chat or when I want to go shopping.

What can you do with your teenage best friend?

Things for Teenagers to Do With Friends

  • Have a water balloon fight.
  • Hold a mini Olympics with your friends.
  • Go on a long bike ride.
  • Have a garden party.
  • Host a craft, beauty, dinner party, movie night with friends.
  • Play rounders with your family or friends at the local park or sports-field.

Why is my best friend changing?

On the most basic level, friendships can change when two people grow apart from each other. This can happen when friends meet and get close during certain periods of their lives because they are sharing common experiences together. As we grow and mature, friends that once “fit” no longer do and we move on.

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What is the best thing about being your friend?

Friends will come and go in your life. No matter how long your friendships last, the most important thing is your friends’ acceptance of you for who you are. A good friend walks the talk and shows that they care by their actions – big and small.

What I can say about my best friend?

You are so trustworthy; I always believe what you say. Everything seems brighter when you are around. Even the things you don’t like about yourself make you interesting. I know that you will always have my back, because that is the kind of person you are.

Is it time to change your relationship with a friend?

However, sometimes the ways in which people change can affect their personal relationships. If you find that a friend is acting differently toward you than he or she did in the past, or if your feelings toward them have changed, it may be time to examine the relationship and determine whether you need to make changes in that aspect of your life.

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What should I do if my friend’s interests have changed?

If your friend’s interests have changed, try something new that they like to do. Ask them for ideas of fun activities. Keep an open mind. You might enjoy it! Make new friends together. If your friend is hanging out with a new group of people, try to get along with them and become part of the new group.

How do you ask a friend if something is wrong?

Ask your friend if anything is wrong. The direct approach is often the best one. If someone who was once a close friend has suddenly become distant, ask them if something is wrong. If you feel that your relationship with someone has changed, chances are they have noticed a difference too, and will be willing to talk to you.

How do friendships change as you get older?

Sooner or later, though, life gets in the way of these once-sacred bonds and old friendships take a backseat to romantic partners, family and children. Over the years, what you expect from a friendship will remain the same — someone to count on and share experiences with — but these 18 aspects of friendship could change as you get older.