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What are flux and slag explain with example?

What are flux and slag explain with example?

1)Flux is the material or substance thats is added to molten metals to bond with impurities that can be readily removed whereas slag is the waste material which is removed. Fluxes are used during the refining of metals. examples are acid silica,basic lime,rosins etc.

Is slag a flux?

Slag is formed when flux, the solid shielding material used in the welding process, melts in or on top of the weld zone (also known as Dross). Slag is the solidified remaining flux after the weld area cools.

What is the difference between slag and gangue?

Gangue is the earthy and silicious impurities associated with the ores are called gangue. A slag is an easily fusible material which is formed when gangue still present in the roasted or the calcined ore combines with the flux. Hope it helps you !

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What is flux with example?

Flux is a chemical purifying agent, flowing agent or cleaning agent. Most commonly, it is used in metal joining and metallurgy. Some examples of flux include: Ammonium chloride. Zinc chloride.

What is slag example?

Slag is waste matter separated from metal during smelting. An example of slag is the iron and silica that is removed during copper and lead smelting. An example of to slag is for the heat of copper smelting to remove the iron and silica from the copper.

What are the two types of flux?

The so called water soluble fluxes are divided into two categories, organic and inorganic based on composition. Organic fluxes are more active than RA rosin, and inorganic are the most active of all.

What is slag inclusion?

Slag inclusions are nonmetallic particles trapped in the weld-metal or at the weld interface. Slag inclusions result from faulty welding technique, improper access to the joint, or both. Sharp notches in joint boundaries or between weld passes promote slag entrapment.

What is slag 10th?

Slag: When the molten metal in stirred with logs of green wood impurities get oxidised. These oxidised impurities formed over the surface of the molten metal is called slag.

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What is flux gangue and slag?

Gangue: Impurities in the metal ore are called gangue. Flux: Chemical substances used to convert impurities which are not easily removable (gangue) into slag. Slag: Substance which are easily removable when gangue and flux are combined.

What is the function of slag?

Slag floats on the surface of the molten metal, protecting it from oxidation by the atmosphere and keeping it clean. Slag forms a coarse aggregate used in certain concretes; it is used as a road material and ballast and as a source of available phosphate fertilizer.

What are the two types of fluxes?

There are three different categories of fluxes used for soldering electronics according to IPC J-STD-004B. These categories are; Rosin and Rosin Substitutes, Water Soluble, and No-Clean.

What is the difference between flux and slag in welding?

Flux is the substance added to to molten metals to bond with impurities that can be readily removed. Slag is the waste material which is removed.In metallurgy, substance used to remove or prevent the formation of undesirable oxide and other substances during welding.

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What is the meaning of slag?

Slag is the glass-like by-product left over after a desired metal has been separated (i.e., smelted) from its raw ore. Slag is usually a mixture of metal oxides and silicon dioxide. To affect, or bring to a certain state, by flux.

What is flux in metallurgy?

In metallurgy, substance used to remove or prevent the formation of undesirable oxide and other substances during welding. Fluxes are similarly used during the refining of metals. They range from the acid silica to the neutral borax and the basic lime, and they also include rosins and various corrosives.

What is meant by slag in blast furnace?

The slag of iron blast furnaces is essentially silicate of calcium, magnesium, and aluminium; that of lead and copper smelting furnaces contains iron. A fluid discharge from the bowels or other part; especially, an excessive and morbid discharge; as, the bloody flux or dysentery.