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What are the advantages and disadvantages of demonetisation?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of demonetisation?

A Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetisation

Advantages Disadvantages
Demonetisation can result in a decrease in tax evasion by individuals and ensure the implementation of practical public measures. Every ATM in the country needs to be remodified to allow the exchange of currency.

What are the advantages of demonetization?

Increased Savings – As a result of demonetization, people will tend to deposit their cash in the bank rather than at home. This will help them save more. Lower lending rates – With currency demonetization, money moves from people to banks and financial institutions. Thus, there is a better circulation of money.

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What is demonetisation explain?

Demonetization is the act of stripping a currency unit of its status as legal tender. It occurs whenever there is a change in national currency. The current form or forms of money is pulled from circulation and retired, often to be replaced with new notes or coins.

How does demonetization benefit India?

On the fourth anniversary of demonetisation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said the move helped in reducing black money, increase tax compliance and formalisation of the economy. Demonetisation has helped reduce black money, increase tax compliance and formalization and given a boost to transparency.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of demonetization?

The biggest advantage of demonetization is it helps the government to track down black money and to reduce the rate of criminal activity in the country. Secondly, it also plays a crucial role to discourage fund transfers to terrorists. To improve the digital transaction of money, demonetization is used.

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How will curbing black money demonetization help in recovering black money?

Curbing Black Money Demonetization has made it mandatory for every person in India to deposit their old currency in the banks and exchange them for new currency. This will make the cash hoarders to deposit their money in the account and make it accountable. In this manner, black money will be retrieved to a certain extent.

How will demonetization affect the availability of cash in the market?

Due to demonetization, availability of cash in the market will be very less because every currency should be deposited in the respective bank and till the time bank reissue the new currency against old, so ultimately the new currency will be very less in the market.

What is demonetization of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency?

Advantages and disadvantages of demonetization of 500 and 1000 currency notes . The government of India recently took a bold step of demonetization of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency.Demonetization of currency means discontinuity of the said currency from circulation and replacing it with a new currency. This panic and discomfort is temporary phase.