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What are the basic principles of liberalism?

What are the basic principles of liberalism?

Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.

What is anarcho-capitalism in simple terms?

Anarcho-capitalism is a political philosophy and economic theory that advocates the elimination of centralized states in favor of a system of private property enforced by private agencies, free markets and the right-libertarian interpretation of self-ownership, which extends the concept to include control of private …

What is the meaning of liberalism in history?

Liberalism, the belief in freedom, equality, democracy and human rights, is historically associated with thinkers such as John Locke and Montesquieu, and with constitutionally limiting the power of the monarch, affirming parliamentary supremacy, passing the Bill of Rights and establishing the principle of “consent of …

What is the ideology of conservatism?

Conservatism is an aesthetic, cultural, social, and political philosophy, which seeks to promote and to preserve traditional social institutions. In Western culture, conservatives seek to preserve a range of institutions such as organized religion, parliamentary government, and property rights.

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What is the meaning of anarcho-capitalism?

Anarcho-capitalism. Anarcho-capitalism is a political philosophy and school of anarchist thought that advocates the elimination of centralized state dictum in favor of self-ownership, private property and free markets. Anarcho-capitalists hold that in the absence of statute (law by arbitrary autocratic decrees,…

What is classical liberalism and why is it bad?

Therefore, classical liberals commit their great error in their approach: they view liberalism as a plan of political action and a set of economic principles, the goal of which is to limit the power of the state while accepting its existence and even deeming it necessary.

Does private property still exist in an anarcho-capitalist society?

In a theoretical anarcho-capitalist society, the system of private property would still exist and be enforced by private defense agencies and insurance companies selected by customers which would operate competitively in a market and fulfill the roles of courts and the police.

What is the difference between Rothbard’s natural law approach and Hoppe’s anarchism?

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Hans-Hermann Hoppe uses ” argumentation ethics ” for his foundation of anarcho-capitalism which is closer to Rothbard’s natural law approach. Rothbard used the term anarcho-capitalism to distinguish his philosophy from anarchism that opposes private property as well as to distinguish it from individualist anarchism.