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What are the creepiest things found in the ocean?

What are the creepiest things found in the ocean?

Here are the top creepy things and creatures you can find in the ocean:

  • Sarcastic fringehead.
  • Zombie worms.
  • Bobbit worms.
  • Giant squids.
  • Underwater rivers.
  • Goblin sharks.
  • Australian box jellyfish.
  • John Doe skeletons.

What is the scariest thing under water?

14 Creepy Pics Of Underwater Discoveries (10 That Washed Ashore)

  • 24 Apollo 11 Engines.
  • 23 The Titanic.
  • 22 washed ashore: Ice Boulders.
  • 21 The Silfra Crack.
  • 20 The Vasa Shipwreck.
  • 19 The Ice Finger Of Doom.
  • 18 The Antikythera Mechanism.
  • 17 washed ashore: A Naval Mine.

What happens when you dive deeper in the ocean?

Dive down into the ocean even a few feet, though, and a noticeable change occurs. You can feel an increase of pressure on your eardrums. The deeper you go under the sea, the greater the pressure of the water pushing down on you. For every 33 feet (10.06 meters) you go down, the pressure increases by one atmosphere .

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What problems do deep divers experience?

Diving does entail some risk. Not to frighten you, but these risks include decompression sickness (DCS, the “bends”), arterial air embolism, and of course drowning. There are also effects of diving, such as nitrogen narcosis, that can contribute to the cause of these problems.

What’s under the ocean floor?

Features of the ocean include the continental shelf, slope, and rise. The ocean floor is called the abyssal plain. Below the ocean floor, there are a few small deeper areas called ocean trenches. Features rising up from the ocean floor include seamounts, volcanic islands and the mid-oceanic ridges and rises.

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen on a dive?

“I’ve done a number of dives, and the strangest thing I’ve ever seen was a large deep freezer with a heavy industrial chain wrapped around multiple times with about five cinder blocks attached. We logged the GPS and depth coordinates and notified the police.

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What has been pulled up from the bottom of the sea?

Ancient civilizations, natural formations, sunken military vessels, and odd creatures have been pulled up from the bottom of the seas to greet the light of day. These places and things bring people face-to-face with terror, perils, and even death.

What is Devil’s Sea known for?

Known as the twin to the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil’s Sea off the coast of Tokyo is known for strange disappearances and shipwrecks. One of the most famous wrecks includes the MV Derbyshire, the largest ship ever lost at sea (it was twice the size of the Titanic, for reference).

How much of the ocean is still unexplored?

The ocean is still mostly unexplored, and new creatures, sights, and discoveries are just awaiting discovery. Humans know more about space than the oceans that cover the majority of the planet, with only 5\% of the seafloor having been explored.