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What are the disadvantages and advantages of exercise?

What are the disadvantages and advantages of exercise?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Exercise

  • By: Agnes A. Pascua.
  • Having Better Health. Regular exercise reduces risks of many health conditions including heart diseases and high blood pressure.
  • Pleasant Physical Changes.
  • Leading To Bad Health Condition.
  • Dealing with Dietary Problems.
  • Money and Time.

What is the advantage or advantages to exercise?

Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

What are the advantages of having a fit body?

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Benefits of regular physical activity have a lower blood cholesterol level. lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers. have lower blood pressure. have stronger bones, muscles and joints and lower risk of developing osteoporosis.

What are 5 benefits of being fit and exercising?


  • Exercise controls weight. Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss.
  • Exercise combats health conditions and diseases.
  • Exercise improves mood.
  • Exercise boosts energy.
  • Exercise promotes better sleep.
  • Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life.
  • Exercise can be fun … and social!

What are 10 benefits from being physically fit?

Top 10 Benefits of Physical Activity

  • Improve your memory and brain function (all age groups).
  • Protect against many chronic diseases.
  • Aid in weight management.
  • Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
  • Improve your quality of sleep.
  • Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
  • Combat cancer-related fatigue.

What are the benefits of keeping fit essay?

It teaches you best ways and tricks on serious weight loss, how to live a healthy life with proper diet and every day food that you eat. It helps you maintain and balance your weight by not pressurizing your heart and brain. You can experience guaranteed weight loss while having enjoy your favorite food.

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What are the benefits of doing the different phases of exercise in our body and how it can help in to our daily activities?

Research has shown that it’s important to get all four types of exercise: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Each one has different benefits. Doing one kind also can improve your ability to do the others, and variety helps reduce boredom and risk of injury.

What are the advantage of being more active?

Being active has both physical and mental benefits. It improves your fitness, makes you stronger and helps you manage health conditions and stay out of hospital. Physical activity helps you take back control, be more independent and can help you live well for longer.

Why exercising is bad for you?

Exercise is supposed to be good for you — but exercising too much or running too fast can have serious consequences for your body and brain. Over-exerting yourself could actually undo the results you worked hard to get, and worse, could damage your heart and arteries, lead to injuries, and make you addicted.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of exercise?

Another point, which is an advantage or disadvantage depending on your circumstances is that exercise can improve your libido. Disadvantage…. the costs… it can be quite costly to stay fit, unless you indulge in cost free alternatives.

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What are the pros and cons of working out at the gym?

This is another huge advantage for working out at a gym. Dumbbells give greater range of motion, and are more flexible to your body mechanics. Price. In the beginning, it is much cheaper to get a membership to a gym for a year than it is to buy enough equipment to have your own reasonable home gym. Conveniences.

What are the disadvantages of working out at home?

General Disadvantages Of Working Out At A Home Gym 1 Equipment Costs. This is the most obvious disadvantage to starting a home gym. 2 Lack Of A Spotter. This is a disadvantage only until you take advantage of it. 3 Motivation. It can be very de-motivating to have lonely workouts all of the time.

What are the negative effects of too much exercise?

Impulsively starting to exercise, overdoing it and neglecting to rest can expose you to the negatives of exercise. In addition to being more likely to suffer injuries, exercising too much can leave you feeling weak, tired and dehydrated.