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What are the features of oral African literature?

What are the features of oral African literature?

Some of these characteristics are: verbal variability; performance; audience and dynamism. Let us look at them one by one. Oral literature as a composition rendered verbally is highly fluid. You will notice that each oral artist performs a common text in an individual way.

What are the forms of African oral literature?

Oral literature Storytellers in Africa sometimes use call-and-response techniques to tell their stories. Poetry, being a narrative poem based upon a short and a ribald anecdote and its often sung, through: narrative epic, occupational verse, ritual verse, praise poems of rulers and other prominent people.

What is oral literature and its characteristics?

Literature is an outlet individuals use to express their ideas, culture, perspective, commonalities, and differences. Oral literature is a term used to describe written and oral literature. The term oral literature means “literature delivered by word of mouth” (Dictionary.com).

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What are the features of oral composition?

Oral composition is a process by which children are taught to say what they want to write out loud before writing it down. This can include sounding out difficult words phonetically, as well as making sure that the syntax and grammar they are using makes sense.

What are the features of written literature?

Literary writing is usually fictional, and it makes use of figurative or symbolic language….Main Characteristics:

  • usually fiction that displays a sense of reality.
  • tension or conflict.
  • artistic unity (a main idea is conveyed)
  • figurative language (similes, metaphors, irony, symbolism, analogy)

What is colonial African literature?

Literature in colonial Africa is synonymous with writing about life shaped by the colonial experience of direct rule and domination by imperialist powers. From most definitions of ‘postcolonial literature’, literature in colonial Africa is postcolonial.

What are the five major themes of African literature?

Themes of Colonialism, Liberation, Nationalism, Tradition, Displacement and Rootlessness in African Literature. This paper deals with some of the themes in African literature such as colonialism, liberation, nationalism, tradition, displacement and rootlessness.

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What are features of written literature?

Main Characteristics: usually fiction that displays a sense of reality. tension or conflict. artistic unity (a main idea is conveyed) figurative language (similes, metaphors, irony, symbolism, analogy)

What are the best features of African literature?

Characteristics of African literature include slave narratives, protests against colonization, calls for independence, African pride, hope for the future, and dissent.

What are the 3 features of literature?

Literary Features.

  • allusion.
  • analogy.
  • character.
  • climax.
  • conflict.
  • dialogue.
  • flashback.
  • What makes African literature unique?

    Language of the African novel is highly enriched with some aspects of oral literature such as songs, proverbs and narratives. The other aspect which makes African novel unique from other novels is characterization. In the novel, characterization is achieved by reporting the thoughts of the characters.

    What are the examples of oral literature?

    Another example of oral literature would be that of Native Americans. Fables , stories and poetry are passed down orally from generation to generation. A third example of oral literature is the orations and folklore of Africa. African oral literature includes poems, riddles, chants, sayings, proverbs, drama and songs.

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    What are the types of oral literature?

    The two types of literature are written and oral. Written literature includes novels and poetry. It also has subsections of prose, fiction, myths, novels and short stories. Oral literature includes folklore, ballads, myths and fables.

    What are the distinct characteristics of African literature?

    African-American Experience in America. The primary characteristic of African American literature is that it speaks to the African-American experience in the United States,a country with a history of slavery

  • Oral Storytelling.
  • Jazz and Blues Influence.
  • Political Focus.
  • What are the genres of oral literature?

    Genres of oral literature include epics and sagas, panegyrics, prose stories, lyric poems, ritual songs, and genealogies. While all transmit knowledge, the genres do have different but sometimes overlapping functions.