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What are the precautions to be taken to prevent the transmission of chikungunya and dengue fever?

What are the precautions to be taken to prevent the transmission of chikungunya and dengue fever?

Prevention and control If you know you have chikungunya, avoid getting further mosquito bites during the first week of illness. Virus may be circulating in the blood during this time, and therefore you may transmit the virus to new mosquitoes, who may in turn infect other people.

What is the best treatment for chikungunya?

There are no specific drugs to treat chikungunya; doctors simply recommend rest and plenty of fluids. Over-the-counter medications will help ease fever and joint pain….Treatment

  • naproxen.
  • ibuprofen.
  • acetaminophen.
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Does Chikungunya spread by touch?

Like most mosquito-borne infections, the virus can only be transmitted by blood-to-blood contact, through a mosquito bite or transfusion with infected blood. There is no risk of contracting Chikungunya from an infected patient by touching or caring for them.

How do you stop the pain from chikungunya?

Generally, supportive therapy is recommended to ease the symptoms and some anti-inflammatory drugs like naproxen, paracetamol can be of great help. Acetaminophen drug can be used to relieve pain and fever. Taking Acetaminophen will help ease the symptoms and relives the patient from joint pain.

What are the precautions of dengue?

Protect yourself against mosquito bites. Prevent mosquito breeding inside and outside your home. Avoid visiting areas prone to mosquitoes….

  • Apply mosquito repellent, ideally one containing DEET.
  • Wear long-sleeves and long pants to cover your arms and legs.
  • Use mosquito nets while sleeping.

How can I stop chikungunya joint pain?

Perform low-impact aerobic exercise invloving stretching and slow movements to relieve the chronic joint pain. Light massage of joints with coconut oil may provide relief in joint pain. Apply an ice pack wrapped in a small hand towel over the joint for a while to reduce inflammation and pain.

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Does exercise help chikungunya joint pain?

But with mild exercises, it can be relieved. Read more about, Chikungunya Symptoms here. Chikungunya joint pain can get worse at times. It may hinder the movements of the patients making him feel fatigued and lethargic.

Which oil is best for Chikungunya?

“Take one table spoon of castor oil, 3-4 pieces of drumsticks, 2-3 billets of camphor, three cloves of garlic, two teaspoon of coconut oil. Crush the ingredients and make them warm in coconut oil and apply on the joints three times a day. It will give relief from the pain.

Is massage good for Chikungunya?

Light massage is also beneficial. Use sesame oil during massage for better result. This will reduce intense joint pain due to increased blood circulation in the joint. However repeated and long-time rubbing could produce adverse effect.

How can I prevent dengue at home?


  1. Use insecticide sprays in dark corners (under the bed, sofa and behind curtains) and burn repellent oils inside your home.
  2. Turn over all water storage containers when empty and store them under a shelter.
  3. Cover bamboo pole holders when not in use.
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How can we prevent dengue in India?

Here are 7 effective tips that can help you prevent Dengue fever

  1. Be aware and know your enemy.
  2. Destroy their biological habitats.
  3. Keep your surroundings clean.
  4. Light up your home.
  5. Watch your timing and plan your outdoor plans.
  6. Use insect repellent to repel mosquitoes.
  7. Wear protective clothing.

Can we do massage in chikungunya?

Two tbsp of warm castor oil mixed with a pinch of cinnamon powder makes for an excellent massage oil to alleviate joint pains occurring during Chikungunya. This oil massage can be done two to three times a day as a substitute to chikungunya treatment for joint pain.