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What are three differences between French and American homes?

What are three differences between French and American homes?

Differences between French and American houses

  • Air conditioning is not the norm in France.
  • The power outlets are different.
  • Slate or tile roofs are much more popular in France.
  • Many properties are fenced in.
  • French bathrooms might have a bidet (or a sink in a separate room from the toilet)
  • Houses have volets.

How is French etiquette different from American etiquette?

They are likely to greet friends and acquaintances with a big hug. You could say that communication is more informal, whereas the French are more formal. It’s also common for Americans to speak loudly even to just chat with a friend. France: Hugging is sometimes considered more intimate than kissing in France.

What do French and American have in common?

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Relations between the United States and France are active and friendly. The two countries share common values and have parallel policies on most political, economic, and security issues. The French support NATO modernization efforts and are leading contributors to the NATO Response Force.

What food is served in France?

Top 10 French foods – with recipes

  • Soupe à l’oignon. This is a traditional French soup made of onions and beef stock, usually served with croutons and melted cheese on top.
  • Coq au vin.
  • Cassoulet.
  • Bœuf bourguignon.
  • Chocolate soufflé
  • Flamiche.
  • Confit de canard.
  • Salade Niçoise.

How do French raise babies?

In “Bringing Up Bebe,” Druckerman says that French parents utilize something called “The Pause.” This is a technique in which parents wait a few minutes before tending to their child if they hear them start to cry, which gives them a chance to “self-soothe.” Over time, this can train kids to sleep through the night on …

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How are French and American families different?

Raising a family in France is different than raising one in America. French parents, particularly in the middle class, take a stricter role than American parents. And the amount of freedom of movement that American children enjoy is not common in France. French parents do not indulge children, either.