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What can I do about Neighbours weeds coming through my fence?

What can I do about Neighbours weeds coming through my fence?

Q What’s the best way to stop bindweed creeping under the fence? A You can apply a weedkiller containing glyphosate to the foliage. This will kill the roots, too. Alternatively, insert a vertical barrier of thick polythene, corrugated iron or similar 15cm deep into the soil along the boundary.

Can I spray my neighbors weeds?

It’s worth noting that taking matters into your own hands and spraying your neighbor’s lawn for weeds is not a viable solution. It’s actually illegal because of trespassing and laws about applying control materials.

How do you get your neighbors to clean up their yard?

Try these suggestions:

  1. Hire your lawn care company to pull their weeds or mow their lawn.
  2. Offer to babysit their children so they can clean their garage or take care of some of their clutter.
  3. Assist them with throwing away some of the junk in their yard.
  4. Connect them with a charity that may take some of their old items.
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How do I stop Neighbours growing through my fence?

  1. Hand-Pull The Weeds. Source | https://www.housebeautiful.com/
  2. Spray The Weeds With A Herbicide. Herbicides are effective in controlling weeds.
  3. Use Boiling Water Or Salt. Pouring boiling water along the fence line is also effective in getting rid of your neighbor’s weeds.
  4. Reinforce Your Fence Or Make A Trench.
  5. Use Mulch.

What can I put under my fence to keep grass from growing?

The Mowstrip is a plastic barrier for the bottom of fences. The Mowstrip is intended to eliminate the need to trim around fences and posts. This is the natural way to block weeds and grass from growing so you don’t need to use a trimmer or chemicals.

Can you sue your neighbor for using Roundup?

Sue in small claims court for damages. First politely ask him to stop , you do not want your grass and plants killed. If they continue let them know you will call the proper authorities and possibly sue for damages if they continue.

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How do you deal with a trashy Neighbour?

How to handle bad neighbors

  1. Call ahead and pick a time to talk.
  2. Meet on the sidewalk or on the property line.
  3. Don’t accuse; let them know how the problem bothers you and suggest ways to solve it together.
  4. If that doesn’t work, check out local noise and disturbance ordinances and write a personal letter.

Can my Neighbour grow plants up my fence?

This means that if you erect a fence in your garden, your neighbour must ask for permission before painting or staining their side of it. Similarly, they may not grow trailing plants up it or any similar activity which may cause it damage.

Can Neighbour attach things to my fence?

If the attachment is on his/her side of the fence, then yes your neighbor may attach something, as long as that something does not damage your side of the fence. Commonly, fences are built along property lines. On one side of the fence is your property, while the other side is on your neighbor’s property.

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How do you deal with grass under a fence?

Spray It. Another option is to spray an herbicide against the base of your fence. This will kill any grass, plants or weeds, without damaging your fence. Roundup is highly effective for this purpose, or you can make your own herbicide using salt and/or vinegar mixed with water.