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What did Josephus say about the temple?

What did Josephus say about the temple?

The Christians clearly picked up that the Temple was very important in Josephus’ works. They reinterpreted some of Josephus’ passages rather drastically, by suggesting that the destruction of the Temple was God’s punishment of the Jews for their rejection of Jesus.

Where does Josephus describe the temple?

Josephus presents three descriptions of the Jerusalem Temple. In Ant. 8, he describes the Temple as it was built by Solomon. In narrating the life of King Herod in Ant.

Where did Josephus say that the temple was built?

because it could be a hotbed of sedition (Rives 2005). According to Josephus, Onias had built this Judaean temple in Egypt in the second century b.c.e. “not in good conscience, but out of rivalry towards the Judaeans in Jerusalem” (BJ 7.431).

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Why are the writings of the Talmud important to Judaism?

The Talmud is the source from which the code of Jewish Halakhah (law) is derived. It is made up of the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Mishnah is the original written version of the oral law and the Gemara is the record of the rabbinic discussions following this writing down.

What did Josephus say about the temple in Jerusalem?

Josephus reports that, ‘there was a certain ancient oracle of those men, that the city should then be taken and the sanctuary burnt, by right of war, when a sedition should invade the Jews, and their own right hand should pollute the temple of God’ (War 4.388).

What happened to Herod’s temple?

Much as the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and Jerusalem in c. 70 CE as retaliation for an ongoing Jewish revolt….Second Temple.

Second Temple Herod’s Temple
Founded c. 537–516 BCE (per biblical narrative) Zerubbabel’s temple; late 1st century BCE: Herodian temple
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What did the historian Josephus say about Jesus?

About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Christ.

What is the difference between Midrash and Talmud?

As nouns the difference between midrash and talmud is that midrash is a rabbinic commentary on a text from the hebrew scripture while talmud is talmud (collection of jewish writings).

Who was Flavius Josephus and what did he do?

Flavius Josephus was a 1st century Jewish historian (37 – 100 AD). He was a commander of the Jewish forces in Galilee and would later become a Roman citizen. Was employed as a historian by the Flavian emperors Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian. Mentions Jesus in his historical writings (and his brother James cf. Antiquities 20.200).

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What did Josephus write in the preface to Jewish Wars?

Historiography and Josephus. In the Preface to Jewish Wars, Josephus criticizes historians who misrepresent the events of the Jewish–Roman War, writing that “they have a mind to demonstrate the greatness of the Romans, while they still diminish and lessen the actions of the Jews.”.

What happened to Josephus in the Book of Joseph?

After the Jewish garrison of Yodfat fell under siege, the Romans invaded, killing thousands; the survivors committed suicide. According to Josephus, he was trapped in a cave with 40 of his companions in July 67 CE.

When did Josephus write his first book?

Josephus as historian. Josephus’ first work, Bellum Judaicum (History of the Jewish War), was written in seven books between ad 75 and 79, toward the end of Vespasian’s reign.