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What did nuns and monks do in the Middle Ages?

What did nuns and monks do in the Middle Ages?

Monks and nuns performed may roles in the middle ages. They provided shelter, they taught others to read and write, prepared medicine, sewed clothes for others, and helped others in times of need. They spent most of their time praying and meditating.

What did nuns do during the Middle Ages?

The daily life of a medieval nun was divided into worship, working in the monastery, and reading. Many nuns spent some time of their daily life in prayer and meditation. Some of the regular tasks in the daily life of a medieval nun included washing and cooking and procuring vegetables and grains for cooking.

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What did the monks nuns do in their daily lives?

Nuns, like monks, lived a very structured day in Medieval England. A day in the life of a nun was built around services in the chapel as by entering a convent/nunnery, a nun had taken the decision to dedicate and devote their life to God. Religion dominated the life of a nun.

What are monks and nuns?

A monk may be a person who decides to dedicate his life to serving all other living beings, or to be an ascetic who voluntarily chooses to leave mainstream society and live his or her life in prayer and contemplation. The word nun is typically used for female monastics.

What was the effect of medieval monks copying books?

Monastery libraries housed most books and all books were copied by hand, usually by monks. This process of copying and disseminating books was essential to the preservation of knowledge. Some monks traveled to distant monasteries to view and copy books to bring back to their own monastery’s library.

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How did monks live in the Middle Ages?

Medieval monastic life consisted of prayer, reading, and manual labor. Prayer was a monk’s first priority. Apart from prayer, monks performed a variety of tasks, such as preparing medicine, lettering, and reading. These monks would also work in the gardens and on the land.

What is monks and nuns?

What was a monastery in the Middle Ages?

A medieval monastery was an enclosed and sometimes remote community of monks led by an abbot who shunned worldly goods to live a simple life of prayer and devotion. Christian monasteries first developed in the 4th century in Egypt and Syria and by the 5th century the idea had spread to Western Europe.

Where did monks and nuns learn?

Answer: Monks and nuns lived in a communities called monasteries they received their education in monasteries.

Who were the first monks in the Middle Ages?

The first Medieval monks adhered to the Benedictine Rule which was established by St. Benedict in 529AD. Different orders of Medieval monks were also established during the Middle Ages. The major orders of Medieval monks were:

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What did monks discover about alcohol in the Middle Ages?

Monks discovered that egg whites can clarify wine. This was an important advance to alcohol in the Middle Ages. In Poland, as early as the Middle Ages, Polish kings had an alcohol monopoly. Beer could pay for for tithes, commerce, and taxes.

What was the daily routine of a medieval monk?

The days consisted of a routine of religious services, manual labour, and sleep, varying only on feast days. The life of a medieval monk centred around prayer and religious observance. From the first service of the day to the last prayers at night, each 24 hour period followed the same pattern.

What did monks read in a monastery?

Psalms, Bible readings and Latin prayers would have been familiar to the monks who heard these words each day. What Work Did Monks Do in a Medieval Monastery?