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What did Stalin do during ww2?

What did Stalin do during ww2?

Stalin industrialized the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, forcibly collectivized its agriculture, consolidated his position by intensive police terror, helped to defeat Germany in 1941–45, and extended Soviet controls to include a belt of eastern European states.

What was Stalin’s military experience?

Joseph Stalin
Branch/service Soviet Armed Forces
Years of service 1918–1920 1941–1953
Rank Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943) Generalissimus of the Soviet Union (1945)
Commands Southern Front (1918–1920) (commissar) Southwestern Front (1920) (commissar) Soviet Armed Forces (1941–1953) (Supreme Commander)

How did Stalin react to ww2?

Joseph Stalin reacted extremely slowly to the invasion of his country by German forces in 1940. Indeed, not only did he react slowly, but he also ignored warnings that the Germans planned to attack his country. Stalin’s response to Hitler’s invasion was slow and disorganized, especially in the first days of the war.

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What was Stalin’s goal for his military?

Stalin sought to achieve four specific objectives. After the calamity of World War Two, he wanted to ensure the security of the Soviet Union, the expansion of Communism beyond the Soviet Union, secure his position in world affairs and create of a Soviet empire.

Why did Stalin join the allies in ww2?

Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had a non aggression pact. When Germany’s attempt to conquer England failed Hitler turned his attention to the Soviet Union. When Germany broke the treaty with the Soviet Union the Soviet Union asked to join the Allies in the fight against the Axis Powers.

How did Joseph Stalin affect the world?

Stalin forced rapid industrialization and the collectivization of agricultural land, resulting in millions dying from famine while others were sent to labor camps. His Red Army helped defeat Nazi Germany during World War II.

Did Stalin try to join the Axis powers?

Stalin sent Molotov to Berlin to negotiate the terms for the Soviet Union to join the Axis and potentially enjoy the spoils of the pact.

Did Stalin want World War 2?

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This objective remained constant, despite repeated changes in Allied policies: Stalin still wanted a second front even after the Red Army looked as if it could win the war alone following the Wehrmacht’s defeats at Stalingrad and Kursk.

Why did Joseph Stalin join the Allied powers?

Almost the first thing Roosevelt did, when he got into office, was to recognize the Soviet government. Once the Germans attacked the Soviet Union, Stalin became an ally whether we liked it or not. And he was a great ally to have, too. Had the Soviets not joined the Allies, heaven knows what would have happened.

Who did Russia support in ww2?

Roughly two-thirds of those who died were non-combatants. The war in Europe began on 23 August 1939, when the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a pact that created a partnership between them in dividing up Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe.

What were some of Joseph Stalin accomplishments?

Another of the dictator’s achievements was the creation of his elaborately bureaucratized administrative machinery based on the interlinking of the Communist Party, ministries, legislative bodies, trade unions, political police, and armed forces, and also on a host of other meshing control devices.

What was Stalin’s role in the Soviet military?

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Stalin shared the military glory with his generals—above all with his deputy supreme commander, Marshal Georgi Zhukov—but Stalin’s role was political and economic as well as military. As supreme commander Stalin decided on military strategy and supervised all the big battles and operations.

How did Stalin’s prewar defensive measures fail?

Stalin’s prewar defensive measures were exposed as incompetent by the German blitzkrieg that surged deep into Soviet territory after Hitler’s unprovoked attack on the Soviet Union of June 22, 1941.

Who stopped the German invasion of Stalingrad?

In the Battle of Stalingrad (1942–43), the advancing Germans were finally stopped by the Red Army in desperate house-to-house fighting. From The Second World War: Allied Victory (1963), a documentary by Encyclopædia Britannica Educational Corporation. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

What was the result of the German-Soviet talks in Berlin?

In October and November 1940, German-Soviet talks about the potential of joining the Axis took place in Berlin, nothing came from the talks since Hitler ‘s Ideological goal was Lebensraum in the East. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 starting World War II, Stalin waited until September 17 before launching his own invasion of Poland.