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What do you do when your idea already exists?

What do you do when your idea already exists?

What to do if your business idea already exists

  1. Do it better. Just because it exists already, doesn’t mean it’s executed well or is servicing the market’s needs.
  2. Use the market to your advantage. You already know you need to do it better, and find a niche.
  3. Be memorable, and don’t give up.

Does Ycombinator steal ideas?

No one at Y Combinator cares about your idea – and certainly doesn’t care about “stealing” it. They have better things to do: like rejecting your application because you think someone will “steal” it. You aren’t the first to have the idea.

How do startups deal with business competition?

But you can follow these simple steps to help you get on the right track.

  1. Find your strengths and build on them. All products have their own strengths — something you offer better than your competition.
  2. Keep tabs on your competition.
  3. Monitor your numbers.
  4. Value your customers.
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Can I patent an idea that already exists?

You can’t patent an existing or old product. However, you can patent a new use for an existing or old product as long as the new use is nonobvious. Moreover, the new use cannot be inherent in the use of the existing or old product.

What percentage of Y Combinator startups fail?

Despite being extremely selective (with about a 1.5\% acceptance rate), almost 20\% of YC startups have already failed.

How will you persevere your own business to face the competitor?

Here are five simple, yet powerful ways to beat your competition.

  • Find and then solve your customers’ pain points.
  • Find a niche in the market via storytelling and specialization.
  • Set competitive pricing.
  • Change your business to stay ahead of your competition.
  • Provide great customer service.

How do you overcome competitors?

Ten ways to keep ahead of the competition

  1. Know the competition.
  2. Know your customers.
  3. Have all your information in one place.
  4. Differentiate.
  5. Step up your marketing.
  6. Update your image.
  7. Look after your existing customers.
  8. Target new markets.