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What does it feel like to get shot in combat?

What does it feel like to get shot in combat?

First you feel the round hit. It feels like a sledgehammer hitting you in the back, my stomach felt like the worst incontinence imaginable. Then you paradoxically try to resume your task in the fight, until you realize your own bodily dysfunction.

What does it feel like to get shot with body armor?

The majority of them equate the feeling of being hit with a bullet with the feeling of being hit with a hammer. The result of being struck by a bullet wearing the body armor is a nasty-looking bruise, which is caused by the backface deformation.

What are the effects of getting shot?

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Damage may include bleeding, broken bones, organ damage, infection of the wound, loss of the ability to move part of the body and, in more severe cases, death. Damage depends on the part of the body hit, the path the bullet follows through the body, and the type and speed of the bullet.

What happens if your brain gets shot?

A bullet trajectory through key blood vessels in the brain can result in rapidly expanding blood clot in the brain that can critically compress the important brain tissue resulting in immediate death at the scene. If the victim survives the initial insult, the issue becomes the increasing pressure inside the skull.

Can you join the Army if you have been shot?

Yes you can, as long as you remain under the guidelines of full duty.

Can a bulletproof vest stop a bullet?

A bulletproof vest is actually bullet resistant. Even if a vest is strong enough to stop the bullet from penetrating, the wearer may still suffer injury. If the vest stops a bullet, it may still force the vest fabric into the body of the individual.

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Can you get PTSD from getting shot?

There are a number of traumatic events that can lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); however, exposure to shooting may place someone at a particularly high risk for developing symptoms of PTSD.

Can you survive a headshot?

Statistically speaking, you would be correct 95\% of the time. However, there is still a lucky 5\% who endure, despite literally staring death in the face. The chance of surviving a headshot has its roots in the physics of the bullet and the biology of our bodies.

What are the chances of surviving a bullet?

Civilians with gunshot wounds to the head or other penetrating brain injuries have a 42\% chance of surviving, according to a study of more than 400 patients at two major trauma centers.