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What does it mean to traverse the fantasy?

What does it mean to traverse the fantasy?

At most, traversing the fantasy entails that the analysand encounters the non-existence of the big Other and discovers the impossibility of complete or total jouissance which, in turn, opens the possibility of enjoying those bits and remainders of jouissance that are available.

What does Slavoj Zizek mean by ideology?

According to Žižek, like and after Althusser, ideologies are thus political discourses whose primary function is not to make correct theoretical statements about political reality (as Marx’s “false consciousness” model implies), but to orient subjects’ lived relations to and within this reality.

What is Lacanian fantasy?

Lacan compares the fantasy scene to a frozen image on a cinema screen; just as the film may be stopped at a certain point in order to avoid showing a traumatic scene which follows, so also the fantasy scene is a defence which veils castration. The fantasy is thus characterized by a fixed and immobile quality.

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What is fundamental fantasy?

The fundamental fantasy represents what occurred at castration in the terms of a narrative of possession and loss. This fantasm thus consoles the subject by positing that s/he at one point did have the phallic Thing, but that then, at castration, it was taken away from him/her by the Other.

What does Zizek mean by ideology Reddit?

Zizek uses ideology not just as the “implicit meaning behing things” as the term is commonly used now. Rather he uses ideology in its original marxist sense. To put it as simply as possible, ideology is a set of reasons meant to justify an action after the action has been decided upon.

What did Zizek study?

Education and career. Žižek studied philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, where he obtained bachelor’s (1971), master’s (1975), and doctoral (1981) degrees and served as researcher and professor from 1979.

What according to Lacan are the three stages of child development?

According to Lacan, there are three stages of the first four years of one’s life. These stages: The Real, The Imaginary, and The Symbolic, are each important in the studies of psychoanalysis, but for our purposes we will be focusing on The Imaginary or, as it is more well known, The Mirror Stage.

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What is desire according to Lacan?

Lacan’s answer in Seminar II is that it is a lack of your very being itself: “Desire is a relation of being to lack. This lack is the lack of being properly speaking. It isn’t the lack of this or that, but lack of being whereby the being exists. “This lack is beyond anything which can represent it.

What is the master signifier?

The master-signifier is a signifier that points to itself instead of other signifiers. Žižek refers to Marx’s conception of commodity fetishism as an example of a master-signifier: Money refers to value as such, and all other commodities are thought of in terms of how much money one can get for them.

Why is Lacan important?

Sometimes referred to as “the French Freud,” he is an important figure in the history of psychoanalysis. His teachings and writings explore the significance of Freud’s discovery of the unconscious both within the theory and practice of analysis itself as well as in connection with a wide range of other disciplines.

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What does Zizek teach?

University Paris 81985
University of Ljubljana1981University of LjubljanaBežigrad High School
Slavoj Žižek/Education

What did Zizek major in?

Education and career Žižek studied philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, where he obtained bachelor’s (1971), master’s (1975), and doctoral (1981) degrees and served as researcher and professor from 1979.