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What does the Ace of Spades symbolize in Animal Farm?

What does the Ace of Spades symbolize in Animal Farm?

Answer: The ace of spades is known as the “death card”, or the end of something. It symbolizes the end of Animalsism, or the animals’ dreams of being free. Pilkington had each played an ace of spades simultaneously. Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike.

What do the symbols of Animal Farm represent?

Animal Farm, known at the beginning and the end of the novel as the Manor Farm, symbolizes Russia and the Soviet Union under Communist Party rule. But more generally, Animal Farm stands for any human society, be it capitalist, socialist, fascist, or communist.

Why is cheating at cards the final act that makes the pigs and humans indistinguishable?

What is the first change that Napoleon makes on the farm? Why is cheating at cards the final act that makes humans and pigs indistinguishable? It shows that the pigs are now masters of the human forms of corruption. What is Sugarcandy Mountain?

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Why is it important that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington both play the same card?

Why is it important that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington both play the same card? The fact that both play the same card means that one of them is cheating.

Who cheated at the end of Animal Farm?

In the movie, Jones cheats on his wife with Pilkington’s wife. This never happens in the book. There are only four pigs in the movie (Old Major, Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer).

What does cheating at cards symbolize at the end of the novel?

Pilkington and Napoleon are arguing because they have both tried to cheat at a card game in the same way at the same time. The ending doesn’t offer much hope for a workable political system with true equality for all. Rather, the ending posits that the corrupting nature of power dooms all political systems to failure.

What other symbols have you found in Animal Farm?

The symbols from the story include the farm itself, the windmill, the seven commandments, and even Old Major’s skull, which is dug up after his death as a symbol and a reminder of what the animals’ so-called freedom stands for. (In 1924, Lenin’s body was put on display in Moscow.)

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What does the final scene in Animal Farm represent in the Russian revolution?

This ending is an allusion to the 1943 Tehran Conference, a meeting between U.S., U.K., and Soviet leaders (see “Symbols” for more about that). During the meeting, Winston Churchill (U.K.) and Franklin Roosevelt (U.S.) agreed to let Stalin have his way with Poland in exchange for military support in World War II.

Who does major represent in Animal Farm?

Major, who represents both Marx and Lenin, serves as the source of the ideals that the animals continue to uphold even after their pig leaders have betrayed them.

What is George Orwell’s message in the novel Animal Farm?

Orwell’s message is this: Malicious groups of people, like the pigs, will continue to use propaganda to usurp power, to exploit the vulnerable, and to control the masses, unless courageous individuals spread the truth and stand up for those who cannot fight for themselves.

What does the windmill symbolize in the story?

For Snowball, the windmill symbolizes progress; the animals took over the farm to better their own conditions, and the purpose of their work—including building the windmill—is to provide a better lifestyle for all inhabitants of the farm.

What is the significance of the card game the pig game?

The card game represents power. The humans and pigs supposedly begin playing as equals, but as the game goes on it becomes clear there is cheating. Power corrupts. A game between friends would be friendly, but their partnership is just an illusion; they will continue to try to gain the advantage over the other.

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What is the meaning of the American flag of Animal Farm?

The U.S.S.R.’s flag depicted a hammer and sickle — the tools of the rebelling workers — so the flag of Animal Farm features a horn and hoof. One of Lenin’s allies was Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), another Marxist thinker who participated in a number of revolutionary demonstrations and uprisings.

What kind of character is the cat in Animal Farm?

The cat: Cossacks and the old criminal police. Utterly apolitical, loyal only to the Animal Farm but to no human or porcine ruler, loves freedom, wants to only catch criminals (rats and other vermin) and do intelligence and espionage, but shuns menial work. Flees away when things go sour.

What does Napoleon Bonaparte represent in Animal Farm?

It represents the total transformation of the pigs and foreshadows the grim future of the other animals. Historically, Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin and Mr. Pilkington is the United States. The festivities and card game are the deals made by Russia and the US after the end of WWII.