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What does the line Looms but the Horror of the shade mean in stanza three?

What does the line Looms but the Horror of the shade mean in stanza three?

Stanza Three Henley writes, “Beyond this place of wrath and tears/ Looms but the Horror of the shade.” The speaker seems to be saying here that he knows that what he has endured in this life is nothing compared to what lies ahead in the “shade,” which is a reference to death.

What does shade represent in Looms but the Horror of the shade?

“the night that covers me” —the night is compared to something that covers him. “bludgeoning of chance” —gives the image of being beaten by a bludgeon meaning a painful, burdensome situation. “Horror of the shade”—the shade means death.

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What does darkness mean in Invictus?

The poem describes night covering the earth from “pole to pole” (line 2), suggesting that the speaker’s outlook on the world is very bleak and hopeless. The poem describes a dark “place of wrath and tears” (line 9), implying that the speaker is overcome by his depression.

Is Looms but the Horror of the shade a metaphor?

Metaphor: Henley has used three metaphors in the poem. The third metaphor is in the third stanza “looms but the horror of the shade.” Here shade refers to unseen future or upcoming challenges. Personification: Personification is used to attribute human characteristics to an inanimate object.

What does the line my head is bloody but unbowed Symbolise?

Wounded or scarred, but not defeated. The term, expressing fierce defiance, comes from the Victorian poet William Ernest Henley’s most famous work, “Invictus:” “Under the bludgeonings of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed.”

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What does my head is bloody but unbowed mean?

Quick Reference. Proud of what one has achieved despite having suffered great difficulties or losses; originally as a quotation from W. E. Henley’s poem Invictus (1888), ‘My head is bloody, but unbowed.

What does fell clutch of circumstance mean?

‘Circumstance’ means an outside event or events that shaped your life – often negatively. It’s a bit like talking about your fate. So ‘in the fell clutch of circumstance’ means ‘in the evil grip of events beyond my control’.

What does In the fell clutch of circumstance mean?

What does charged with punishments the scroll mean?

it means the someone was accused of something.

Why was Invictus written?

“Invictus” was written when Henley was in the hospital being treated for Tuberculosis of the bone, also known as Pott’s disease. The poem is about showing undivided courage in the face of death and keeping the dignity against all the hardships in life.