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What effect will a lower flap setting for take off have on fuel consumption?

What effect will a lower flap setting for take off have on fuel consumption?

An important consideration when seeking fuel savings in the takeoff and climb phase of flight is the takeoff flap setting. The lower the flap setting, the lower the drag, resulting in less fuel burned.

Are flaps used for take off?

Flaps are used to reduce the take-off distance and the landing distance. Flaps also cause an increase in drag so they are retracted when not needed. The increase in camber also increases the wing drag, which can be beneficial during approach and landing, because it allows the aircraft to descend at a steeper angle.

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What is the maximum allowable flap setting for takeoff in your aircraft?

How much flap you use is strictly at pilot’s discretion. Generally speaking, little (up to 10 degrees) or no flap is prescribed for takeoff; see the pilot’s operating handbook (POH) for the airplane that you fly.

Do flaps increase stall speed?

Stall Speed And Drag When you extend the flaps on your plane, you lower your aircraft’s stall speed, and at the same time, increase drag. This all happens because extending flaps increases the camber, or curvature, of your wing.

How do pilots save fuel?

Over the course of a 200-nm cross-country in the Archer, a pilot can save a gallon by leaning when taxiing on the ground, 4 gallons in flight with proper leaning and economy power settings, and another gallon with a cruise descent.

How much fuel does 747 use on take off?

How Much Fuel Does a Boeing 747 Use During Takeoff? A typical Boeing 747 passenger jet burns approximately 5,000 gallons (about 19,000 liters) of fuel during takeoff and as it climbs to cruising altitude. This means that a 747 burns through 10\% of its total fuel capacity during takeoff alone.

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How many flap settings does the Boeing 737NG have?

From what i know the Boeing 737ng has got 8 flap settings right? being; 1,2,5,10,15,25,30 and 40 does these numbers refer to degrees the angle its being reflected to the air at? if so why is there so little difference between 1,2 and 5 compared to the rest? does these numbers refer to degrees the angle its being reflected to the air at?

What are the disadvantages of the Boeing 737NG?

Some of the main disadvantages are that the 737NG has higher maintenance costs as it is fly by cable, has double slotted flaps, trim tabs in case of hydraulic failure so more cables]

What is the difference between the Airbus A320 and the Boeing 737?

However, there are some fundamental differences when it comes to passenger comfort. The Airbus A320 has a wider cabin than the Boeing 737. It’s only seven inches but can make all the difference to the ride comfort. For passengers, this often means a slightly wider seat, which is always welcome, even on short-haul.

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How many take off flaps can a 737 take off with?

Tom. The 737NG is certified for flaps 15 and 25 take offs. As you said, it induced a lot of drag, but adds more lift for field length limited take offs where the terrain is no problem. I did a flaps 25 take off once on the 737-800, was interesting.