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What famous inventions came from mistakes?

What famous inventions came from mistakes?

15 Life-Changing Inventions That Were Created By Mistake

  • The slinky. Inventor: Richard Jones, a naval engineer.
  • Penicillin. Inventor: Sir Alexander Fleming, a scientist.
  • Chocolate-chip cookies.
  • Potato chips.
  • The Pacemaker.
  • Silly Putty.
  • Microwave ovens.
  • Saccharin (an artificial sweetener)

What are some examples of inventions created by accident?

From Velcro to Viagra: 10 products that were invented by accident

  • Saccharin, an artificial sweetener (1877)
  • Coca-Cola (1886)
  • X-rays (1895)
  • Ice cream cone (1904)
  • Penicillin (1928)
  • Microwave oven (1946)
  • Velcro (1955)
  • Post-it notes (1968 and 1974)

What are the 3 most important inventions in human history?

The Greatest Inventions In The Past 1000 Years

Invention Inventor
1 Printing Press Johannes Gutenberg
2 Electric Light Thomas Edison
3 Automobile Karl Benz
4 Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
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How was Silly Putty created?

In 1944, a General Electric engineer named James Wright added boric acid to silicone oil and ended up inventing what became Silly Putty. However, before it was Silly Putty, it was nothing. Though it was elastic and bounced, it wasn’t sufficient as a rubber substitute and was put aside.

How was the microwave accidentally invented?

In 1945, the heating effect of a high-power microwave beam was accidentally discovered by Percy Spencer, an American self-taught engineer from Howland, Maine. Employed by Raytheon at the time, he noticed that microwaves from an active radar set he was working on started to melt a chocolate bar he had in his pocket.

Who invented fart putty?

James Wright
Silly Putty was discovered in 1943 by James Wright who mixed boric acid and silicone oil together. It was introduced to the public in 1950 by Peter Hodgson. Crayola acquired the exclusive manufacturing rights to Silly Putty in 1977. The formulas are considered proprietary.

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How was the Slinky accidentally invented?

In 1943, an engineer named Richard James was trying to design a new tension spring. He wanted the spring to keep electronic equipment secure aboard U.S. Navy ships during World War II. He accidentally knocked a spring off of his work table. It fell to the floor and began “walking” across the floor.

Who invented Sprite?

The Coca-Cola Company

Sprite is a colorless, lemon and lime-flavored soft drink created by The Coca-Cola Company. It was first developed in West Germany in 1959 as Fanta Klare Zitrone (“Clear Lemon Fanta”) and was introduced in the United States under the current brand name Sprite in 1961 as a competitor to 7 Up.