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What fish can I keep with a frog?

What fish can I keep with a frog?

Tank Mates These frogs are peaceful creatures and should be placed in similar communities. Ideal tank mates include small peaceful fish such as livebearers (guppies, mollies, and platies), as well as Corydoras, Danios, schooling tetras such as neon tetra, the Serpae Tetra, and the rummy nose tetra.

Can I put a frog in a fish tank with fish?

An African dwarf frog is the highly preferred choice for a fish tank, as most other types of frogs might eat your fish. Dwarf frogs won’t grow to much larger than about three inches, and you can feed them with the same foods as you do your fish, such as frozen shrimp and bloodworms.

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Will my fish eat my frog?

While adult frogs may co-exist with docile fish easily, most fish will attempt to eat the frog eggs. African Dwarf Frogs can be a great addition to your tank. If you are sure to feed them correctly, in no time you could have thriving and happy frogs living in your aquarium.

Can aquatic frogs live with betta fish?

African dwarf frogs are an extremely interesting tank mate to accompany your betta. They are unlike any other tank mate. Cohabitation is fairly common between bettas and African dwarf frogs, however, it’s important to remember that cohabitation depends on the temperament of your betta and the dwarf frogs.

Can aquatic frogs live with guppies?

African Dwarf Frogs can be wonderful tank mates and co-exist peacefully with smaller-sized fishes in a community tank. They can be great tank mates with Guppies, other Livebearer fishes, Neon Tetras, Bettas and other smaller fishes if you want to add an amphibian to your fish aquarium tank.

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Can you have frogs in a tropical fish tank?

Snails, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, frogs, even turtles, but unfortunately most are best kept separate from fish because they either eat fish, or they themselves may end up on your fish’s menu.

Do aquarium frogs need air?

Aeration. Frogs have lungs and breathe air from above the water, so they don’t absolutely need aeration in the tank. A standard aquarium air pump and an air stone will help make your frogs healthier and happier, though.

Can I keep frogs with guppies?

Can guppies live with frogs?

Yes, African dwarf frogs can live with guppies no problem. The guppy and the frog are both peaceful, so they should not bother each other.

Are aquatic frogs good pets?

These aquatic frogs, which are found mainly in ponds and rivers throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, have become popular pets in large part because they’re easy to care for and live a long time. They can be quite enjoyable for owners to watch, and a proper tank setup for them is fairly simple to accomplish.

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Can African dwarf frogs live with other fish?

Unlike their larger cousins the Clawed Frogs, African Dwarf Frogs are gentle amphibians that coexist well with fish in tropical aquariums. Since they are so small and peaceful we need to choose fish that are just as gentle.

Do frogs eat little fish?

As a general rule, frogs eat smaller fish, and frog tadpoles eat decaying fish, their eggs, and larve. Preying on smaller fish is especially popular for large frogs that live in water with them. However, larger fish, especially big game fish like Snook, Pike and Bass also prey on frogs.