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What flaws does the Bible have?

What flaws does the Bible have?

Ten Fatal Flaws of the Bible

  • The New Testament manuscripts contain more differences than it has words:
  • It declares many erroneous things about basic facts and the reality of proven science:
  • The food chain and innocent helpless animals:
  • Immoral to the extreme…just a couple examples of many:
  • Defies reasonable logic:

How many errors are in the Bible?

50,000 Errors and Biblical contradictions.

Are there any inconsistencies in the Bible?

The Bible is an unreliable authority because it contains numerous contradictions. Logically, if two statements are contradictory, at least one of them is false. The biblical contradictions therefore prove that the book has many false statements and is not infallible.

Who had flaws in the Bible?

Here are some examples of people that were used for the greatness of HIS glory.

  • Abraham -Was old.
  • Elijah – Was suicidal.
  • Joseph – Was abused.
  • Job – Went bankrupt.
  • Moses – Had a speech problem.
  • Gideon – Was afraid.
  • Samson – Was a womanizer.
  • Rahab – Was a prostitute.
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Who was rejected in the Bible?

Joseph Was Rejected And speaking of family rejection, is there a better example in Scripture than Joseph’s story? It starts in Genesis 37 with jealousy and a dream. What is this? In fact, Joseph’s brothers hated him so much that they plotted to kill him.

What is the spirit of error in the Bible?

The spirit of error, when in operation, makes a man to always commit blunder or mistakes that will make him to regret later in life. Error or mistake can lead to destruction, untimely death and loss of exalted position, among others.

Who was stubborn in the Bible?

Perhaps the best Bible example of this truth is found in the contrasting “stubborn” behavior of both Moses and Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, as told in the Book of Exodus, Chapters 5 through 14. The Bible tells us that the Lord spoke directly to Moses and ordered him to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt.

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Who in the Bible struggled with rejection?

Rejection in the Bible: 3 People Who Were Rejected

  • Jesus Was Rejected. When those you care about you reject you, and you’re in pain over it, it’s easy to dismiss the fact that Jesus’s people rejected him, too.
  • Joseph Was Rejected.
  • Hagar Was Rejected.

Are there fatal flaws in the Bible?

The Bible is very candid in telling us the sins and fatal flaws of some of its prominent people. The reason for this is so that we can learn from them-both from the good parts and the bad parts. Certainly these people of faith have been a great encouragement to many through the ages, but they are also a warning to us that fatal flaws can and do attack everybody, and even the strongest Christian is vulnerable.

Are there any errors in the Bible?

The Bible cannot err, since it is God’s Word, and God cannot err. This does not mean there are no difficulties in the Bible. But the difficulties are not due to God’s perfect revelation, but to our imperfect understanding of it. The history of Bible criticism reveals that the Bible has no errors, but the critics do.

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What is the fear of the Bible?

Answer: The Bible mentions two specific types of fear. The first type is beneficial and is to be encouraged. The second type is a detriment and is to be overcome. The first type of fear is fear of the Lord. This type of fear does not necessarily mean to be afraid of something.

Does the Bible contain errors?

It is common for some to claim that the Bible contains errors, discrepancies, contradictions or mistakes. Some claim that the Bible has many errors in the manuscript copies of the original autographs of the Bible and therefore the Bible is not trustworthy.