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What force acts at right angles?

What force acts at right angles?

reaction force
An object at rest on a surface exerts a force on the surface. The reaction force acts at right angles to the surface and is known as the normal contact force.

When the force and displacement are at right angles then work done is?

a) When the displacement of a body is at a right angle to the the direction of force acting on it, then the work-done will be zero.

When force acting on a body is perpendicular to the direction of the motion the work done by the force is zero?

What is work done? Work done = Zero , as there is no displacement in the direction of force.

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What is work done when force is perpendicular to the direction of motion?

Work is zero if the force is perpendicular to the motion.

How do you work out the resultant force of a right angle?

Starts here4:451 Resultant force of two forces at right angles – YouTubeYouTube

When an object is carried by a force which act as right angles to the motion no work is done on the object?

The force must cause the displacement which is observed. If the force acts at right angles to the direction of movement, then the force is NOT doing work upon the object. Mathematically, this would be the situation in which the angle is 90 degrees and the cosine ( ) is 0.

How is work done measured when is the force acts along the direction of motion of the body and II the force is inclined to the direction of motion of the body?

That is equal to Force x Displacement of the point of application of the force in the direction of force. ii) Work done by a force when the force is at an angle θ to the direction of displacement , = Force x component of displacement in the direction of force.

When force acting on a body is perpendicular to the direction?

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As force is perpendicular to the direction of motion there will be no change in speed of the body but the direction of motion of the body will keep on changing continuously .

When direction of applied force and direction in which object move are perpendicular to each other then?

If the direction of applied force and direction, in which an object moves, are perpendicular to each other, then the work is done = 0 i.e no work is done. Work is done only when a certain force is applied on an object and the object moves a certain distance on the direction of the applied force.

What is the direction of the net resultant force?

The direction of the resultant force is in the same direction as the larger force. A force of 5 N acts to the right, and a force of 3 N act to the left.

When the force and the displacement are in the same direction?

Work can be either positive or negative: if the force has a component in the same direction as the displacement of the object, the force is doing positive work. If the force has a component in the direction opposite to the displacement, the force does negative work.

Does the force work at an angle?

Yes the force works. The force always tries to do work (intends to do work). The angle can be broken down (or resolved) into components which will be in the direction of motion and perpendicular to the direction of motion.

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When force acts perpendicular to the direction of motion?

Zero Work. When force acts perpendicular to direction of body Or when there is no displacement. Example. Direction of force and Direction of Motion are at right angle (angle of 90 degrees) Force is applied but there is no displacement.

What is the relationship between force and work done?

Work is defined as the product of force and the distance traveled in the direction (or parallel to the direction) of force. When the direction of force is perpendicular to the direction of motion, as for example in uniform circular motion, the force changes the direction of motion.

What happens to acceleration when force is applied at an angle?

A body may be moving toward the East, and the force and acceleration may be directed toward the West, producing a negative acceleration, which means that the body is decelerating as it moves toward the East. What happens when the applied force acts on a body at an angle to the direction of motion?