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What God do the Druze believe in?

What God do the Druze believe in?

3The Druze place heavy emphasis on philosophy and spiritual purity. Nearly all Druze (99\%) believe in God, including 84\% who say they are absolutely certain in their belief. But there are no set holy days, regular liturgy or obligations for pilgrimage, as Druze are meant to be connected with God at all times.

Are Druze allowed to drink alcohol?

Druze are forbidden to eat pork, smoke, or drink alcohol. Druze women can attain positions of religious significance, and some have indeed achieved high rank.

Who were the Druze in the Bible?

The Druze were first recorded by the 12th century Jewish traveller Benjamin of Tudela who described them as fearless, mountain-dwelling warriors who favoured the Jews. And by that time, because of earlier persecutions, their faith was closed to new followers and they opposed marriage outside of the Druze faith.

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Who founded Druze?

The Druze faith originated in Egypt as an offshoot of Ismaʿīlī Shīʿism when, during the reign of the sixth Fāṭimid caliph, the eccentric al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh (ruled 996–1021), some Ismaʿīlī theologians began to organize a movement proclaiming al-Ḥākim a divine figure.

What is the Druze flag?

Druze religious symbol is a five-coloured flag consisting of Green, Red, Yellow, Blue and White respectively. These colours represent the five wise prophets of Al-Mowahideen.

Can Druze have more than one wife?

The Law has three basic elements: marriage is valid only in cases that the man and the woman are Druze; A complete ban on intermarriage; Polygamy (of women) is forbidden—a man cannot be married to two women (The Personal Status Law of the Druze Community in Israel, 1962) .

What religion are the Druze?

Druze is the name of a religious group living mainly in the Middle East, whose religion is an offshoot of Islam, but also incorporates other religious elements. The Druzes (or Druses) comprise a closely knit religious community estimated at 300,000-450,000 people.

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Who are the Druze people?

The Druze (/druːz/; Arabic: درزي‎ darzī or durzī, plural دروز durūz; Hebrew: דרוזי‎ drūzī plural דרוזים, druzim) are an Arabic-speaking esoteric ethnoreligious group originating in Western Asia who self-identify as unitarians (Al-Muwaḥḥidūn/Muwahhidun).

What is Druze religion?

The Druze faith is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the teachings of high Islamic figures like Hamza ibn-‘Ali ibn-Ahmad and Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, and Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. The Epistles of Wisdom is the foundational text of the Druze faith.

Are the Druze Muslim?

No the Druze are not Muslims. The Druze are an ethno religion that are made up of descendants of Jethro of Midian . Their beliefs are a mix of Greek philosophy ,a lot of teaching from abrahamic religions ,and even some ideas like transmigration of the soul.