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What happened after the fall of Rome?

What happened after the fall of Rome?

Over time, the east thrived, while the west declined. In fact, after the western part of the Roman Empire fell, the eastern half continued to exist as the Byzantine Empire for hundreds of years. Finally, piracy and attacks from Germanic tribes disrupted the flow of trade, especially in the west.

What happened after Rome conquered Italy?

Once again Rome was victorious. In the peace settlement that followed, Rome annexed some states outright, other remained autonomous Latin states, but the Latin League was dissolved. Instead the surviving Latin states were bound to Rome by separate bilateral treaties.

What happened when Rome defeated its enemies in Italy?

Rome’s early conquest had what effect on later conquests? The first conquered peoples were deported to territories conquered later. Rome’s first conquests were so unsuccessful that further expansion was abandoned. Later conquests were made possible by an army drawn from the earliest conquered territories.

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How did Rome regain control of Italy?

Though the Gauls sacked and burned Rome in 390 B.C., the Romans rebounded under the leadership of the military hero Camillus, eventually gaining control of the entire Italian peninsula by 264 B.C. Rome then fought a series of wars known as the Punic Wars with Carthage, a powerful city-state in northern Africa.

What are 5 major events that happened in Italy?


  • 2000 – Bronze Age begins in Italy.
  • 800 – The Etruscans settle in central Italy.
  • 753 – According to legend, Romulus founds the city of Rome.
  • 700s – The Greeks settle much of southern Italy and Sicily.
  • 509 – The Roman Republic is established.
  • 334 – The Romans begin to colonize and take over much of Italy.

When did Italy take over Rome?

20 September 1870
Capture of Rome

Date 20 September 1870
Location Rome
Result Italian victory Fall of the Papal States Conclusion of the Risorgimento
Territorial changes Rome and Latium annexed to the Kingdom of Italy