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What happened to the Republic Star Destroyers?

What happened to the Republic Star Destroyers?

The Republic deployed the Venator-class Star Destroyers across the galaxy during the conflict with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Ultimately, though, the Venator-class was decommissioned and replaced by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, a larger warship that was modeled on its Republic predecessor.

How many Star Destroyers did the empire build?

At the peak of the Empire, over 25,000 Imperial Star Destroyers were in existence, with the Empire’s primary source of Star Destroyers and Destroyer-equipped shipyards located at the industrial manufacturing center of Kuat.

How many Star Destroyers did the empire have after Endor?

Around the time of the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service estimated that the Empire had more than a dozen Super Star Destroyers including Darth Vader’s flagship Executor, the Annihilator, the Arbitrator, Emperor Palpatine’s personal ship Eclipse, and the Ravager.

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Did the Republic Use Star Destroyers?

A Star Destroyer was a dagger-shaped type of capital ship that were used by the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the First Order, and the Sith Eternal.

When did the empire start using Star Destroyers?


Imperial Star Destroyer
First appearance Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker (1976)
Created by Kuat Drive Yards
Affiliation Galactic Empire

How did the Empire fall in Star Wars?

Eventually, the Rebels gained a decisive win at the Battle of Jakku, marking the Empire’s last stand. After this, the Imperials were forced to surrender, bringing an end to the Galactic Empire and paving the way for the eventual establishment of a New Republic.

How did the Galactic Empire collapse?

The Rebel Alliance blew up two of their sworn enemy’s space stations, defeated their leader Emperor Palpatine, and dissolved his government. The fictional Galactic Empire, brought to life by the beloved Star Wars movie franchise, was in ruins after the Battle of Endor, at the end of “Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.”

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Did the republic have Super Star Destroyers?

The 8,000-meter Mandator II-class Star Dreadnaught was built and fielded by KDY and the Galactic Republic. The model served in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars and guarded vital targets from Separatist attacks.

How many Star Destroyers did the first order have?

The Empire was said to have about 20,000 star destroyers, not to mention all the other ship classes they possessed.