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What happens if Apophis hits the earth?

What happens if Apophis hits the earth?

What would happen if Apophis hit Earth? Apophis would cause widespread destruction up to several hundred of kilometers from its impact site. The energy released would be equal more than 1,000 megatons of TNT, or tens to hundreds of nuclear weapons.

What are the chances of Apophis hitting Earth?

The excitement of Apophis’ discovery quickly turned to concern when researchers calculated just how close the asteroid’s orbit would bring it to Earth. From visual observations taken in 2004, researchers calculated there was around a 2.7\% chance that the PHA would hit Earth in 2029.

What would happen if Apophis hit the ocean?

At 28k miles per hour, at 25 million tons, 820 feet wide, depending on the angle of decent, it could be up to an 800 foot tsunami, but these destructive waves wouldn’t be able to travel far, so the hit would need to be within 12 miles of a city to be catastrophic.

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Will Apophis Hit Earth 2029?

Apophis will still pass by the Earth in 2029 – specifically on April 13 – at a distance less than 20,000 miles (32,000 kilometers) from the Earth’s surface. The massive asteroid known as 99942 Apophis was once considered among the most dangerous asteroid in space, with the potential to strike Earth very high.

Will an asteroid hit the Earth in 2068?

Russian scientists say an Apophis asteroid will hit the Earth in 2068. The rocky body is known as Apophis Asteroid, the representation of chaos in Egyptian mythology.

Will Apophis hit Earth in 2068?

Newly gathered research presented by the University of Hawaii and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory shows us that Apophis has the potential to hit earth in 2068. Luckily, with the help of modern technology, the probability of a hit is considered to be very low.

What would happen if an asteroid like Apophis hit Earth?

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In the event of Apophis somehow crashes into us, it wouldn’t necessarily mean complete extinction of life as we know it. However, it would be by far one of the most devastating impacts life on earth could suffer. If an asteroid like Apophis landed in our oceans, the magnitude would ripple outward and destroy everything in its path.

How fast does an asteroid hit the Earth?

In that eventual event, the asteroid will impact at a speed close to 37 thousand kilometers per hour. Scientists estimate that Apophis will pass close to Earth in 2029, 2044, 2051, and 2060.