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What happens when sodium chloride reacts with sulphuric acid?

What happens when sodium chloride reacts with sulphuric acid?

Sulphuric acid reacts with sodium chloride in the following way:2NaCl + H2SO4 → 2HCl + Na2SO4.

What happens when you mix sulfuric acid and chlorine?

Chlorine gas is produced when sulfuric acid is mixed with chlorine bleach. This reaction is a function of the change in pH of the solution from alkaline to acidic combined with the strong oxidant properties of hypochlorous acid.

What happens when sodium bromide is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid?

In case of NaBr, Br- acts as reducing agent fr H2SO4 and the sulphuric acid is reduced to sulphr ioxide by bromide ion which itself gets oxideised to give bromine free molecule. 2NaBr + 2H2SO4 –> NaHSO4 + Br2 + SO2 + 2H2O.

What happens when chlorine solution is added to a solution of sodium bromide *?

When chlorine (as a gas or dissolved in water) is added to sodium bromide solution, the chlorine takes the place of the bromine. Because chlorine is more reactive than bromine, it displaces bromine from sodium bromide. The solution turns brown. The chlorine has gone to form sodium chloride.

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What forms when sodium reacts with sulphuric acid?

When sodium hydroxide react with sulphuric acid they form Sodium sulphate and water.

What happens when sodium reacts with dilute sulphuric acid write balanced chemical equation?


What happens if chlorine and acid mix?

When mixed with any acid, it releases highly toxic chlorine gas. The acrid fumes of chlorine can destroy lung tissue, cause the lungs to fill with water and in a sense cause death by drowning. Chlorine gas was of course used for this purpose in World War I.

How does Sulphuric acid reacts with sodium bromide?

NaBr NaBr + H2SO4 → NaHSO4 + HBr Not redox 2HBr + H2SO4 → Br2 + SO2 + 2H2O Redox The bromide ion in hydrogen bromide is a better reducing agent than chloride ions and reduces the oxidation number of sulfur in sulfuric acid from +6 to +4 in SO2.

Does sulfuric acid react with sodium bromide?

1. The reaction between NaBr and H2SO4 is an acid-base reaction. Bromide ion, which results from dissociation of NaBr in water, reacts with sulfuric acid to capture one of its acidic protons. Equilibrium in acid-base reactions favors formation of the weaker acid (HBr) and the weaker base (bisulfate ion).

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What reaction happens when chlorine reacts with potassium bromide?

Chlorine reacts with potassium bromide to form potassium chloride and bromine. In this reaction chlorine forms chloride ions: Cl2 + 2KBr –> 2KCl + Br2. Explain, using the equation, how you know that chlorine has been reduced.

What type of reaction happens when chlorine reacts with potassium bromide?

However, if chlorine is bubbled through potassium bromide solution a displacement reaction occurs. If you know the word equation and some of the formulae you can construct a balanced symbol equation of a reaction. > Chlorine displaces the bromide to form bromine solution.

What is the reaction between sulfuric acid and bromine?

Sulphuric acid is good enough oxidant to oxidise bromide to bromine or iodide to iodine, but not powerful enough to oxidise chlorides or fluorides. Reactions would be like this: Besides sulfur dioxide it can also produce hydrogen sulfide. Which one will form predominantly will depend on concentration of sulfuric acid and probably also temperature.

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What happens when bromine and chlorine are added to each other?

Because chlorine is more reactive than bromine, it displaces bromine from sodium bromide. The solution turns brown. This brown colour is the displaced bromine. The chlorine has gone to form sodium chloride. This type of reaction happens with all the halogens.

What happens when concentrated sulphuric acid is added to iodine?

The Facts There are two different types of reaction which might go on when concentrated sulphuric acid is added to a solid ionic halide like sodium fluoride, chloride, bromide or iodide. The concentrated sulphuric acid can act both as an acid and as an oxidising agent.

What happens when sulphuric acid reacts with sodium chloride?

Because this is a gas, it immediately escapes from the system. If the hydrogen halide is exposed to moist air, you see it as steamy fumes. As an example, concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with solid sodium chloride in the cold to produce hydrogen chloride and sodium hydrogensulphate.